A few more changes... by nothingsp
A new friend... by nothingsp
Pursuit and help. by Tsunari
A few more changes... by nothingsp
A new friend... by nothingsp
Mission: Kinky? by Mr.Peaches
Knock out by Umassday
Charge! by
Just hope that you don't need thumbs to open it... by Archerswiftarrow
Give up... by Rikki
Kindness. by Rikki
Distracted... by Tsunari
Choice by Tsunari
A New Friend by Rikki
Your Name... by Rikki
Anthro fox by Draiko
Back to normalish by Leyr
Kitsune by Arogard
Master? by Ai Dungeon
Looking around by Kibaoftheleaves
To the Games Room by catprog
More doors by Hnhn
Transformed from fox to human to rat by Hnhn
The library by Hnhn
Observation room by Hnhn
Fox to human to deer by Hnhn
The Rakatan Temple by Hnhn
Turret room and first test by Hnhn
The first test by Hnhn
Correct answer by Hnhn
A test of morals by Hnhn
So you went back to the beggining of the masion by Hnhn
So you are greedy and think you could leave that easily? by Hnhn
You want wealth? Ok here it is by Hnhn
It will not open by Hnhn
You help him by Hnhn
A test in skills (and weapon choice) by Hnhn
Taking a page from indiana jones? by Hnhn
Incorrect answer by Hnhn
Just go Straight Ahead. by neonsilver
Stray Not From Thy Path oh Brave Explorer by neonsilver
A Different Kind of Lost by neonsilver
What other option is there? by neonsilver