A Blue Light by catprog
You start to grow fur by catprog
Whats this? by Razortail
surounded by Razortail
snow fox by Razortail
Time to howl by
Where did that come from?! by
Last I checked, I wasn't made of aluminum! by
Foxy! by
Wait, extra tails? by
You start to grow scales by catprog
Crocodilian by Cat
Fly by WiKy
Crocodiles don't have wings. by underdrag
Water Appears by catprog
What up, dog? by underdrag
IM A DOG! by Racerboy
In dog years, you're dead by Chrysalis
"I have seen the future and it is... pink??" by Won-Tolla
It's a dog's life. In pink. by Won-Tolla
Transformed by Cat
Small world by Won-Tolla
Friends by catprog
You start to grow feathers by catprog
Time to get prehistoric! by Plx
Might as well have a drink! by
Maybe she can tell me where I am... by
Off to the beach! by
Jungle by catprog
You look around... by Another Author
To the lab! duh duh duh duh duh duh duh duh BATMAN!!!! by Another Author
You jumped! by Another Author
You ate dog food? Gross! by Another Author
You are going to die! by Another Author
Where's the Shark? by Chrysalis
Well, what did you expect? by Chrysalis
Slugged by catprog
You Sit Down by Another Author
You start walking... by Another Author
You jump in by Another Author
Because I'm tired of these "You forget you were ever human. Game Over." chapters, that's why! by Lost Yoshi
Stay Out of the Water. by Chrysalis
You skip happily into the meadow by Another Author
Life as a giant snake...is mostly spent asleep. by Chrysalis
You push into the thicket by Another Author
You go blind by Me
And you are pulled into a new dimension by Katie
Do the Macarina by WiKy
no no dodo by hypobonix
What an odd room by nergal
It's probably just a mineral bath or something by Zodiac
Big Mistake by Zodiac
Snack Time by Zodiac
Not Every Clear Liquid is Water by Zodiac
You have terrible taste in food by Zodiac
Trap Door by
foods by hypobonix
mushroom by hypobonix
Gods by Ophelianime
the small wind-chime. by Ophelianime
the soul scarf. by ophelianime
the red-haired teenage boy by Ophelianime
check out the kitchen by Ophelianime
apple pie by Ophelianime
hearing about his charity plans. by Ophelianime
Interrupted by catprog
Avoid the strangers by Jasan Quinn
The Next Morning by Jasan Quinn
Go out into the forest by Jasan Quinn
Enter the Cave by Jasan Quinn
Take the Gem by Jasan Quinn
Confront the Goddess by Jasan Quinn
Follow the Raven Path by Jasan Quinn
Cross via the kitsune path by Jasan Quinn
Enter the temple by Jasan Quinn
Death by
Skunk girl by
Claim a home by
A New life by Novel Ai
3 for all by Novel Ai
The ground collapses by catprog
Air by catprog
Dragon(HYBRID) by catprog
Sphinx by Czar Lawrence III
Meeting Gerod by Czar Lawrence III
"Where am I, Gerod?" by Czar Lawrence III
Attempting to fly by Czar Lawrence III
Resting by Czar Lawrence III
The Fear by Czar Lawrence III
Meat by Czar Lawrence III
Lost Memories by Czar Lawrence III
Land by catprog
Unicorn (HYBRID) by Bro
Winged by Bro
you look up and see another unicorn by Katie
Language Barrier by Won-Tolla
Nothing Else to Do by Chrysalis
Missing Feet by Chrysalis
Next Time, Bring a Saddle by Chrysalis
How old are the hills anyway? by Won-Tolla
Which way to the maze? by
Joining the Group by Mezaron
Quit horsing around by underdrag
Centaur Of the World by Won-Tolla
Foxes with Tails by Mr.Peaches
Were Creature by catprog
Tiger by catprog
Wolf by -
Water by catprog
Loch Ness by Katie
Loch Ness (Hybrid) by catprog
The ground collapses #2 by catprog
Dragon Hang on wait......<span class="female">Dragoness</span> by
Rampage by OJ
<span class="male">Dragon</span> by
Another vacation ruined. by Lost
Creepies and Crawlies by Sam
Flying by Sam
Sphinx by Kinky Chameleon
Fly by Kinky Chameleon
Riddle Cure by Kinky Chameleon
Walking Stick Man. by Kinky Chameleon
A Hole by Kinky Chameleon
Smaller by Kinky Chameleon
Older Women by Kinky Chameleon
Women by Kinky Chameleon
Hiker by Kinky Chameleon
A Kiss by Kinky Chameleon
Costume Removal by Kinky Chameleon
Selkie by Ai Dungeon
Talk by Ai Dungeon
See? Keep moving or you get tranked. That's how the game is played. by Zodiac
The Institute by Zodiac
The Elevator by Zodiac
The Labyrinth by Zodiac
1 by hypobonix
piggys by hypobonix
The Main Lab by Zodiac
This is Botany? by Zodiac
The Dirt Room by Zodiac
Experimental Plants, Eh? by Zodiac
No fury like a botanist scorned by Zodiac
Looking around by Zodiac
the vines by haladur
keeps screaming for help by haladur
stuggle some more by haladur
Keep Struggling by haladur
Symbiotic Seeding? Sounds sublime! by Zodiac
Hybridization by Zodiac
That was a bad idea by Zodiac
Another mistake! by Zodiac
Centaur by Zodiac
More hallway by Zodiac
Venusified by Anonymous
Supersoldiers! by Zodiac
The capsules by Zodiac
Through the Door by Zodiac
Serum Thirteen by Zodiac
I Don't Like Needles by Stealfur
The Recovery Room by Stealfur
Test Serum by Stealfur
Disarmed by Chrysalis
The Smiley Face Door (Brace Yourself) by Zodiac
A Gorilla by Zodiac
Serpentine by Zodiac
Turtle power! by Zodiac
Up we go by Zodiac
THAT was a mistake by Zodiac
There ya go by Zodiac
Enter Narrator by Zodiac
Finals? by Won-Tolla
Ask for more details by TobyFox2002
Wet dog, Rainy city. by TobyFox2002
A drowned Rat. by TobyFox2002
The vixen of the wood. by TobyFox2002
Portal Lab by Martin Prance
Through the Portal by Martin Prance
Head immediately back toward the Entrance by Martin Prance
Cautiously by Martin Prance
Through the Portal by Martin Prance
Enthusiastically by Martin Prance
Suspiciously by Martin Prance
Go toward the Exit by Martin Prance
Cautiously by Martin Prance
back through by Martin Prance
Hair Growth by Martin Prance
Dream by Martin Prance
In the other world by Martin Prance
Yes by Martin Prance
You see her by Martin Prance
Accept This by Martin Prance
Fight This by Martin Prance
No by Martin Prance
Enthusiastically by Martin Prance
Suspiciously by Martin Prance
The Most Powerful Pokemon in the World! by Dustomega
Amnesia by zanian
Explore the room by zanian
Move away from the door by zanian
Wait for something to happen by zanian
Ignore it by zanian
Awake by zanian
Pain by zanian
Less Pain by zanian
Feathers by zanian
bones cracking by zanian
Awake again by zanian
phoenix by zanian
In a dungeon by ouroboros666
Stay patient- bide your time by ouroboros666
Turn Right by ouroboros666
Turn Left by ouroboros666
Seize a cleaver by ouroboros666
Change shape by ouroboros666
Make a racket. You need to find out your circumstances, and perhaps someone will hear. by ouroboros666
You don by ouroboros666
A passphrase comes to mind. by ouroboros666
Change your shape. by ouroboros666
You recognise him. by ouroboros666
Go insane. by ouroboros666
Turn left by ouroboros666
Turn Right by ouroboros666
A new body by AnxiousRomeo
Explore by AnxiousRomeo
Wait until Night by AnxiousRomeo
Search the forest by AnxiousRomeo
Discovered by AnxiousRomeo
Go with her by AnxiousRomeo
A curse by AnxiousRomeo
Stay by the Fire by AnxiousRomeo
Difficult Days by AnxiousRomeo
status quo by AnxiousRomeo
Don't get to Close by AnxiousRomeo
Tell Her by AnxiousRomeo
The new world by AnxiousRomeo
Glide by AnxiousRomeo
Walking by AnxiousRomeo
Drink by AnxiousRomeo
Wait the rain out by AnxiousRomeo
Fly Away by AnxiousRomeo
Search Franticly by AnxiousRomeo
Search until water is found by AnxiousRomeo
A Person by AnxiousRomeo
Treat by AnxiousRomeo
Stay together for a while by AnxiousRomeo
He hunts alone by AnxiousRomeo
Follow Him by AnxiousRomeo
Caught by AnxiousRomeo
In the cell by AnxiousRomeo
Thrown out by AnxiousRomeo
Fly back by AnxiousRomeo
Plant change by
Yell for Help by An Anonymous Wierdo
You're a Tree, and an Idiot. by An Anonymous Wierdo
Whew! That was close. by An Anonymous Wierdo
You wisely agree by An Anonymous Wierdo
Wait aren't Nymphs... by Anonymous
Ent by Hnhn
Ent to enting by Hnhn
Runner by catprog
Griffon by catprog
Climb the tree by catprog
Jump by catprog
The Artist by catprog
Anthro Vixen by catprog