Bus Caught
The bus was only just before him, thankfully. Nobody else was at the stop, it wouldn’t have waited for him for a moment longer had he not made it. He scrambled onto the bus, before slumping into a seat.
Daniel let out a sigh of relief, the doors of the bus shutting and the vehicle slowly beginning to move again.
Soon, he arrived at school. The campus was actually rather pretty, especially on days like this. It was a shame that everyone there had to be there at 7:30, prime time for absolute misery. Almost everyone had bags under their eyes, some that looked like they could reach down and touch the ground like weird purple blobs.
Slowly but surely the students trickled off the bus, Daniel among them. He was oddly awake today, even with the early time and his lateness to the bus stop, he had slept quite well. Apart from the end of it, that is.
The school stood in front of him, the sun casting long yellow rays that highlighted the red bricks and white pillars that made up its exterior. As Daniel went up the concrete steps, his mind drifted back to his dream.
It was a little odd. Dreams always were. Recurring ones especially. The reality of it this time was… Disturbing. It had never been in such vivid detail, it was like it was just a shred away from reality, even though it seemed like it was foggy in a way, like dreams always were.
He began walking through the halls. Early in the morning they weren’t as busy just yet. Only clusters of people forming against the lockers, or on the benches at the side. There was the occasional poster that was plastered onto the wall, each of which had become little more than a pattern on the wall and had overstayed their own dates.
An out of place bright green poster caught Daniel’s eye. He stepped closer to take a brief look at it.
Daniel’s expression scrunched up. Not a single word of that made any sense. Whatever. He had better things to do than.. Whatever that was. If they put a poster up in the school they would probably get busted anyways…
He quickly made his way down the hall and into his class. His day began with a delightful dose of Chemistry. In spite of it’s difficulty Daniel did like the class. Though his classmates, with bags under their eyes that reached the floor, didn’t seem to share his enjoyment.
In a few short minutes the bell rang, and tardy students piled into the classroom. The lesson began. The teacher then started to write on the board. Daniel stared eagerly, waiting to see what the full lesson was about.
A vision invaded his head. He saw a concrete wall form around him, before a strange, green glow filled it. A figure was in front of him, wearing a blank white cloak with gloves and a slit to see through.
The figure took a step closer. Daniel gulped.
It was like he was being… Called to.
Written by OakenFerret on 12 September 2022