In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Female Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.<P/>There are five costumes in this room, all of them female, all of them are normal land creatures.
- Snake <li><span class="female">Wolf</span></li>
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
You find a costume of what looks like an anthro-wolf, as well as instructions. Follow them, you strip off your clothes and find the opening in the front of the costume. You put your legs into the costume, and pull it up over the rest of your body, zipping it up.
The last thing left is the head, which you flip over your own.
Suddenly, you feel odd, and noticed the zip has disappeared. You begin to wonder this as you feet change ,painfully, now fitting the odd wolfen stance of the costume. The changes progress, upwards, as you feel the costume meld with you.
You suddenly remember this was the female room, as you notice a void between your legs and your waist painfully shrinks upwards, pushing your his and ass out.
You suddenly notice a weight on your chest as well, as two (very) large breasts force their way out. As you feel them with your changed hands, you face changes to, pushing out and melding with the wolfen head of the costume.
The changes subside, leaving you as a rather sexy looking anthro-wolf.
Written by Vanghar on 11 January 2007
The world blurs and you find yourself in a forest.
You look around to find that you have appeared right in the middle of a pack of anthro-wolves
Written by catprog on 22 June 2007
Looking around, you notice that it's getting dark, and it seems to be autumn. Oh yes, and you are surrounded by a mix of male and female wolf people.
"Oh well," one of the females sighs. "So much for that hunt." She turns to the younger female beside her and continues: "Let's go home, dear. They'll be hunting her now."
Written by Won-Tolla on 22 June 2007
You join the pack and try to fit in.
You choose to join the pack, rather than trying to run away or fight against them like your instincts seem to be telling you to do. You follow the pack back to their village and are given a temporary home to live within. A guard is placed upon your door while the pack tries to decide what to do with you. You slowly walk around the small hut you've been given, which is really more like a one room house. There's a pit in the corner, which you assume must be the toilet. By one wall is a bucket of water, which you quickly use to wash your face and hands of the dust you acquired on the road to the pack's village. By the eastern wall you see a large bed that looks like it could easily fit you and up to three other people. On the opposite side from that, sits a table with a simple chair next to it. On the table sit a quill pen, a piece of paper, and some ink. You walk over and slowly start a quick note to anyone who ends up in a similar situation to your own telling them of your past, and what may have become of you if they find this letter. You finish it and fold up the letter then hide it under the ink bottle and walk to the bed. You slowly lie down and close your eyes trying to relax, knowing that worrying won't help matters any.
After a few minutes your eyelids get heavy, and you realize that instead of becoming relaxed you're getting sleepy. You quickly hop to your feet and stretch out then start pacing back and forth trying to get your mind to start working on a way out of this situation. With a start you remember what the old shopkeeper said about the outfit. You sigh as you realize you'll be stuck as a female wolf among this tribe for two weeks. You hear a soft sound come from the doorway, almost like people whispering among themselves. So, you silently walk to the door and listen as the two wolves guarding you start speaking among themselves. The first wolf looks to his companion and says "So do you think they'll continue the hunt tonight or wait till the full moon in two weeks?" The other shrugs and says "I don't, I think they're all too preoccupied with the new girl to continue tonight. I can't believe she just appeared out of nowhere with no tribal markings of any sort on her. Do you think she's magic?"
The first wolf just laughs at his companion and says "Magic is just superstitious nonsense the old crone tells the young ones to keep them in line. You and I both know there is no such thing, especially with how many times we've patrolled that forest." The second wolf glares at his companion and says "And we both know there are no wolves without tribal markings within ten miles of our territory. So you explain to me how she got in the middle of it, without any of our scouts seeing her?" That causes the first to stop laughing and look thoughtful. He slowly shook his head and said "That's still a mystery; the Alpha went to each sentry and checked on them personally. He said none of them were unconscious, that they couldn't have been asleep since he'd already checked about half an hour before, and that none of them had seen or heard anything. I trust him, so that means this girl somehow either managed to slip into our territory without making a sound, used magic as you seem to think, or has been hiding in our territory without us realizing it. All three options are completely unbelievable, but of the three the most likely is she somehow snuck past our sentries."
The other just shakes his head and you slip back into the room amazed that these people have so much trouble believing in magic when in your own world they're nothing but a myth. You slowly pace around your room trying to figure out how to get out of this situation, and what you'll have to do to get back home as a guy. You sigh and sit on your bed as you hear the guards start talking about this big "Hunt" you heard the two females talking about earlier. You softly sigh and lay back on the bed with your eyes closed, and your feet hanging over the side. Slowly you feel drowsiness start to overcome you yet again, and twist around until your body is lying properly on the bed. Slowly you slip into a deep sleep and find that you've started dreaming of home.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 19 November 2012
You awaken when you hear the guards talking and quickly sit up, not wanting to be taken advantage of, though a slight chill passes through your body and a small voice whispers "It might be fun to try things as a woman." You shake your head and ignore the voice then slowly shift around to where your feet are over the side of the bed. You climb to your feet and shake your head then walk to the water bucket and splash it on your face. With a shock you realize someone replaced the warm water with cold and shiver slightly before shaking your fur dry. As you stop shaking you realize you have to pee so you quickly walk over to the hole in the ground and squat down instinctively. Afterward you hear the sound of liquid hitting dirt and feel a lot of relief. You slowly stand up and watch as the guards step aside and a large wolf with tribal markings going up his arms, chest, back, and muzzle walks into the cabin. He studies you and the voice says "Back down and submit now, or you may not live to regret it."
You ignore the voice and warily watch the wolf as he smirks and says "So the new young bitch thinks she has the right to look at the alpha without being submissive, that's different. I didn't expect anyone who was held captive to have a backbone, I guess I was wrong. That means you're a very interesting she-wolf, care to tell me your story?" You think about it then slowly nod. He watches you as you open your mouth and start to explain to him all about a made up life, you can't stop the words once they start. Eventually you tell him you left your old pack and are currently looking for a new one, he watches you and slowly nods then says "You are either brave or foolish to have left your pack, however I'm more inclined to believe brave since you stood up to me. With that said I believe I'll let you join my pack, and we'll see how you fit in." You're tail unconsciously wags at the thought but you don't notice as the Alpha smiles at you then walks out and says something to the guards.
The guards leave your door, basically meaning you now have permission to leave your house whenever you wish, but it also means that anyone who wants to come in can now do so. You sigh wondering how you managed to concoct such a real sounding story as you're suddenly swarmed by all the females in the camp. They start talking to you in rapid voices that cut each other off after every word until the eldest of them yells "QUIET!!!!!!" The girls stop dead and the old one studies you. She slowly sniffs the air around you then says softly "Ye are a magical one, aren't ye girl." You stare into the old ones eyes and shiver as you can see that she is indeed able to sense the magic around you, and knows more than any other about such things.
You slowly nod your head in agreement and she smiles slightly then says "Tell us your true story girl and we'll keep it among ourselves." You feel the urge to trust the old one and slowly explain to her all about the magic shop and how you got here. She listens for a while then nods slowly and says "Ah, so that explains why ye didn't back down when faced with the Alpha as most young girls do." You look at her and she explains pack hierarchy, and how the younger males and females usually must submit to the alpha. You slowly nod in understanding as she continues to explain then blink as she explains that the alpha is now interested in you because you refused to back down. You stare at her slightly surprised and she laughs then explains about how the alpha has yet to settle down, and has always looked for a strong mate that wouldn't back down. You slowly explain to her about the voice you hear and she sighs then says softly "Child, that voice is the voice of the magic. It's trying to make you think as it believes you should. If you give into it you will be female in mind, as well as body. I know what I'm saying sounds strange, but it's completely true."
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 26 November 2012
You slowly nod coming to accept that you can trust the old woman and she smiles then motions for one of the girls to come forward. She glances at her and says "You are to guide this one around the village, don't let any of the males near her. If they ask why, say the Alpha has his eye on her for the next hunt, they'll understand." The girl quickly nods in acceptance and takes your hand then guides you out of the house and around town. She stops at different intervals to explain to you what something you're seeing is. After about ten minutes you start to be approached by males who she quickly turns away.
You're lost as to why the males would approach and you start to question your guide who quickly explains about rituals around the village. You listen raptly then nod your head when she says you need to continue walking and continue onward. The two of you walk along and she points out even more landmarks around the village, including the well, the village wall which you didn't notice when you entered, and the chief's hut where most meetings are held. She then takes you to the baths where you both wash off the grime from the time in the forest. As you sit there cleaning yourself you hear the members of the pack talking about a coming of age ritual that takes place at the full moon, which is when most come into estrus anyway.
After a while the younger girls start to ask some of the elder for their personal stories which makes you a little hot under the collar. The voice you heard earlier starts up again trying to implant thoughts of submitting under the full moon into your head and you growl shaking your head softly then duck under the water, to wash what these people use for soap out of your head-fur. When you pull your head above the water the girls start asking you about what your home was like, and you slowly tell them about where you grew up. After a while all of you get out and start shaking dry then one of the other girls, offers to brush your fur. You mull that over for a while then nod and sit down on a stump letting her do as she wishes. She brushes it out slowly, and by the time she's done the sun has gone down somewhat.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 03 December 2012
After a few minute the two of you get up and she points to the center of town a little ways from the well where the men are setting up wood and says softly "There's a bonfire tonight. If you really want to learn our customs you should attend the bonfire and talk with everyone." You think about it for a while then nod in agreement and walk over to speak with a few of the males as they set everything up. One of the younger ones stops and listens to your questions then replies "The bonfires are a time for the pack to gather and discuss the business of the day; it's also when the alpha and council give directives for the next day. This bonfire is special, because it will be the night we mark who participates in the ceremony on the full moon in two weeks. We were going to practice yesterday, but then you arrived."
You nod in understanding then turn and return to your hut to rest and prepare for the night's bonfire. You may have sat down and relaxed, taken a short nap, or gotten yourself ready for the fire to talk with everyone. It all depends on your personality; however as the sun's light starts to fade you walk out and join the pack at the bonfire. After about ten minutes a group of hunters comes from the forest baring a large wild boar that has been placed upon one of their spears almost as if it were a spit. A few cooks walk over and take the boar from the hunter's then proceed to glaze it in mixture of berries, sweet roots, and other natural flavorings.
Even as you watch the cook's working on this marvelous piece of meat, the alpha of the pack walks forward and lets out a howl to draw all attention to him. You wait a few seconds then turn and glance at him as he starts to look around the town center trying to find if any would dare challenge him. A small part of you, the part that was basically created by the voice, wonders what it would be like to give yourself over to him, but the rest of you just watches him warily, wondering if he's learned your secret or not. The alpha completely ignores you, other than the occasional side long glance as he starts telling everyone that tomorrow's workloads are going to be rather large. It appears that this particular pack of wolves is a group of metal workers and pot makers. The women tend to make pots, while the males tend to make metal items such as spears, swords, and armor. One of the pack's hunters walks up to you and motions for you to follow him.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 10 December 2012
follow them
You get up and do as he asks, silently wondering why a hunter would want you to follow them. Suddenly he leads you to where the Alpha is sitting and motions for you to sit down. You do so, wondering what is going on, but not letting any sign of puzzlement show on your face. The alpha smiles at you and says politely "Would you like some food?" You nod politely in answer and he hands you a large slice of boar on a platter made of clay. He motions for you to eat and you start digging in with gusto. After a few minutes you notice he is watching you and politely ask if something is wrong. He smiles in answer and says "No, I was just wondering if you were willing to join the ceremony this full moon." You think about it then nod and say you may as well to show thanks for all the kindness the village has shown you. He smiles widely then starts eating without saying another word.
As you eat the alpha starts to tell you about governing the village. You listen with rapt attention, enough so that you slowdown in your devouring of the succulent pig. After a few minutes he hands you a cup of wine and takes a drink from his own cup. You take a few sips from it to quench your thirst then set it, and your plate, aside to listen to him talk. Finally he gets up, saying it's late and you nod following his lead, then you head to your separate homes. When you get into your current home you fall asleep with thoughts of whether or not you should stay floating through your head. Your dreams are plagued by instinctual thoughts you've never thought of before, including bearing the alpha's children.
You jerk awake in the middle of the night and shake your head, you were male, right? All your memories say you were male till you got here, so that must be the case. You shake your head and vehemently deny the thoughts your new body is trying to push on you and fall asleep dreaming of your childhood. The next time you awaken it's to find a familiar face leaning over you. The hunter from the night before is gently tapping your cheek trying to convince you to wake up. You slowly shake your head and get up as he says "Hello new comer, only thirteen days left until the full moon. The alpha said we should try to show you as much as possible about our way of life in that time. So today I'm going to show you my brother and I's job."
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 17 December 2012
The Hunt
The two of you walk a few feet in when another wolf, identical to the one leading you walks up and bows politely. You nod in response and his brother points down the path ahead of you. He nods and the three of you start walking along the road, the two males carrying spears, and you virtually unarmed. After a few minutes the elder, and taller of the two brothers, the one who woke you up in other words, stops and hands you his knife. You take it and grip it tightly wondering what you could possibly be hunting when you hear the sound of something digging around in the brush ahead of you. The two hunters motion for you to stop and walk forward slowly. The first stabs his spear forward as the second stands ahead of you, protecting you with his spear at the ready.
Suddenly a wild boar rushes out of the woods with the other warrior's spear stuck in its shoulder. The hunter who stabbed it is chasing, it, but its headed right at you and the warrior. He turns and grabs you then jumps out of the way, causing the boar to run right past you. It suddenly pulls to a stop and you can see just how massive it is. It's got to be at least four feet tall and almost pure muscle. It glares at you and the two hunters, one of which is now wielding a knife just like yours, then turns and rips the spear out of its shoulder with its mouth revealing that its head could turn much farther than any pig you'd seen before.
The boar watches the three of you for a few moments then rushes at the hunter without a spear, figuring him to be the source of its pain and anger. The hunter tries to roll out of the way but still manages to get gored in the leg. The hunter stabs the boar in the head, but the knife only breaks through the skin and bounces off the protective skull cap. The other hunter rushes to his younger brother's aid and stabs the boar in the flank causing it to turn and rush at him instead, with murder in its eyes. A part of you says you should help as the boar knocks the hunter to the ground and tries to gore him. The only thing that is protecting the hunter is the spear he's using as a shield.
Instinctively you get to your feet then rush over and jump onto the boar's back your body seeming to have a mind of its own. You stab the boar in the neck repeatedly your eyes full of bloodlust and the boar falls to the ground as you sever its carotid artery. The beast squeals in pain and falls on its side. You nimbly jump off then hamstring it before it can get back up and stab it in the heart as the hunters walk over, spears at the ready. You look at them and the elder says "My name is Ronas, and this is my younger brother Daru. We are officially in your debt." Daru nods and the two slowly start to lift the boar, however as Daru gets it above his waist his injured leg lets out a snap and he falls to the ground with a yelp.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 24 December 2012
You walk over and pull him to his feet then put his arm around your shoulder and snap his spear into three pieces, two of which you give to his brother along with your tunic. Ronas nods and ties his brother's leg into a splint then picks up the front legs of the beast and the three of you start back for the village. About half way there you run into another hunting party who take Daru and carry him back to the village's healer while the rest carry the boar back to the village speaking with you and Ronas. When you get back to the village everyone turns out to see if anyone else was injured, and when they see you clutching the bloody knife, and the dead boar being carried by the hunters they let out a cheer. The alpha walks out of his hut to see what's going on then let's out a howl of approval, which the entire village joins in.
After a few minutes the alpha calls the next two days a time of festivity, and as such no one is to work during that period other than those who help prepare for the festivities. You are given a place of honor by the alpha, and then escorted to the bath by the elder and her hand maidens. You bathe slowly listening as the elder explains the village's debt to you and everything else that you need to know about the next two days. You nod as you listen then blink when she talks about the alpha having to grant you any one request at any time. You blink then nod in acceptance and he gives you a ceremonial dress that you must wear. You sigh and pull it on then walk out and join the festivities letting your body relax and just trying to enjoy life.
When you next wake up, you're in your own home and it is midday. A few of the girls are sleeping on your floor; it seems almost as if you had your own party the night before. You walk out into the village where everything else seems to be working as it should. Everyone is quickly going from place to place doing their jobs, girls' are baking for their mates, men are working hard, and in some areas the reverse is true. You smile slightly as you watch children playing, and then take a leisurely walk through the village, checking up on the occasional person you remember from your first day here.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 31 December 2012
The infirmary and the dyeing of tunics
Eventually you go to the village's infirmary and sit down to talk with Daru. You learn more about his childhood, and his life as a hunter, while telling him all sorts of stories from your home town making them sound like children's tales. He laughs at the funnier ones, shakes his head at the sadder ones, and smirks slightly at the ones where the supposed hero makes it out on top. You never let him know that the hero was you in the past, but you do imply that there is at least some truth in your stories. He smiles at you and thanks you for spending the day with him. You smile and say it's not a problem then turn and head back to your home, as the sun is already starting to set and you're getting tired. When you get there it's completely empty.
You smile and plop down on your bed enjoying the privacy then hear the sound of a large area going up in flames. You run outside then sigh softly when you see it's just the bonfire and grab some food before going back to your room, planning on spending the night alone. You sit in your room and review the last few days as you eat, and wonder what the village has planned for tomorrow. After a while Ronas shows up with a bottle of wine and the two of you drink together musing on the hunt you had the other day, and Daru's condition. After about two hours, the two of you exchange farewells and Ronas goes off to the infirmary to sleep with Daru. As soon as he's gone you lie down on your cot and slip into an exhausted sleep wondering what tomorrow will bring.
The following morning you're awoken at dawn by a pair of weavers. They smile politely and offer to show you some of the more feminine trades of the village. You sigh and get up then follow them to the weaving huts where they show you how they extract dyes from different berries and fruits. They then show you how they make fabric by cutting different leaves from some of the larger trees into strips and slowly weaving them together into simple breeches, tunics, and even boots. After a bit one of the weavers mentions something about leather workers and the other girl's shush her then they sit you down and have you dye one of the tunics a deep blue.
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 07 January 2013
As you work you notice that the girls keep giving you sidelong glances as if measuring you as either a rival, or a mate should you ever return to being male. You shake your head at the thought, but the voice, which has plagued you since you arrived here, mentions that none of them are really much competition since you killed the boar. You ignore the voice and wrap your mind around the task at hand as you try to get the dye to seep into the cloth despite the natural oils that used to surround and fill it. After about ten minutes of dunking the fabric in the dye it starts to gain a light blue color and you smile in satisfaction, and a small bit of pride at the fact that you personally managed to get the formerly green leaves to change color.
You go back to dunking the cloth until it gets a rich dark blue color then you hang it to dry on a makeshift clothesline the younger girls hung up. With that done you get up and walk over to a bucket of water that everyone's been using to wash their hands and clean your own hands thoroughly before stretching and sitting down next to one of the weavers who is drying, out the leaves that they use for fabric and cutting them into strips. She smiles and hands you a few of the leaves as well as a simple belt knife. You take it and slowly start scraping away the top layer of the leaf as you saw her do then roll the handle up and down the body of it causing the moisture to come out onto the top. She smiles and motions for you to shake the leaf, then does so herself, with one of them, showing you how all the oils and moisture are sent flying with the motion of the leaves.
You do as she showed you, then start cutting the leaf into strips alongside her, finding the work both rewarding, and relaxing. You do this about ten to twenty more times then put all the strips in a basket and hand them to a girl who runs the basket over to where a few of the girls are weaving breeches and tunics, with looms. You glance at the girl who just helped you out and notice that her ears are perked and she's watching the back of the hut. You follow her eyes and blink as you see a few of the younger males standing there watching everyone as they work. When they catch your gaze they bow slowly then turn and walk out. You start to ask the girl next to you why they did that, when one of the older women walks over and says softly "You've earned their respect as a hunter. Not many females would dare to do what you did without at least five or six others at their back, let alone with only one able bodied companion and a hunter who's injured."
Written by Jake Shadow Wolf on 14 January 2013