You look to your left and to your right, taking note of the large security raccoons by the front and back doors. The employee begins to get impatient. “I’m sorry, is there a problem?”
You catch sight of another employee happily swishing his ringed tail as he walks into the “employee’s only” entrance. Slowly backing away, you break from her gaze and run after him. The cashier chases after you. “Hey, get back here!”
Your claws clack-clack-clack on the polished tile floor as you sprint across the room, dodging clothing and people making your way to the back of the store. Upon reaching the male raccoon, he turns in surprise to see you. “Ma’am? You can’t be back here!” Without thinking, you stop, planting a long, passionate kiss over his lips. He goes limp. You break away, running past him and straight for the emergency exit. The cashier screams one last time, “Thief! Come back!” You push through the emergency exit and out into the crowded street.
Tall buildings and skyscrapers tower over you from all sides. The street is packed with people, all resembling raccoons. You rub your eyes with both paws, remembering that you look just like them. It’s easier than you thought to blend in. Everyone goes about their day, walking in every direction. Some wear business suits, others wear everyday clothing like you. You look down at your freshly stolen clothes remembering that it would be best to get as far away from here as possible. You walk into the crowd.
Up ahead at an intersection, several raccoons dressed in police uniforms scan the throngs of people. You panic, searching for a shop to hide in. A small dimly lit candle shop catches your eye, and you enter.
You are greeted by an elderly male raccoon who smiles as you approach. He meets you at the center of the store, pressing his cane to your chest. You flinch. “You aren’t from around here, are you, young lady?”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 17 May 2017