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Centaur Of the World star star star star emptystar

The weird feeling of change diminishing, you stand up to catch your breath. On a sudden impulse you wiggle your butt, which makes your tail swish back and forth. Weird feeling. You notice the feeling of your tail slapping against your hind legs, and realize this is real. The new bits aren't just attached to you,they are truly parts of your body.


Hmm, better figure out how to walk on four legs or you'll be getting nowhere fast. Hesitantly you move your forelegs, one at a time, and feel your body stretch a bit.




Now for the hard part. You shift your weight forward to stand on your forelegs, concentrate on your hind legs way back there, and try to move them. After a few attempts you succeed, and feel a little squashed.


Stretch and squash is not how a horse moves (and it's probably the same for centaurs), so you keep trying different combinations until you can manage a decent walk.


You walk slowly until you are about halfway up the hill, then you stop to rest, and while you're resting you close your eyes and try to picture how a horse trots.


You suddenly become aware that someone is looking at you.

Written by Won-Tolla on 13 June 2007

The end (for now)

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