Friendship, or beyond...
After seeing Eggman leave, you turn to Sonic and Amy. "You in a costume too?" Sonic asked. You nod.
"Interesting that you became a Female Tails..." Amy said. "I hope you don't mind me asking, but did you used to be a male?" You tense a bit for a few seconds before saying...
Amy smiled. "Unlike me. Oh yeah! We never said thanks to you or saving us!"
"Thanks!" The duo says. You smile and make friends with the 2, and leave them. You later stop to see a familiar person. He is a fox, has 2 tails, and fur exactly like yours. It is Tails, and he's a male! You're overwhelmed with shyness. Do you try to say hello to him, or just run away and meet up with your 2 new friends?
Written by Rikki on 28 November 2008
The end (for now)