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Try and introduce yourself emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Well, even if you're not human, you still should demonstrate some human manners; right? You do your best to approximate clearing your throat, a sound which comes out more as a muffled screech.


Then you raise your right claw, looking to the gryphon and pointing to your chest with a talon.


"You do realize that I can understand you, right?"


The grpyhon speaks flatly, its voice gruff as it flutters its wings. As it speaks, it twists the talon that still clenches the bear's neck, and you wince at another wet crack.


You try to reply, but all that comes out of your mouth it another squawk. You don't know how to speak gryphon!


You can feel your wings ruffling behind your back as you shift in place, looking to the large creature anxiously and hoping it's not judging you. God, you feel so stupid!


"No, no. Don't try and let your beak make any human sounds... Just try and talk, your body will take care of the rest."


The male speaks again, and you look to him curiously. "But... I don't quite... Oh!" You blink, a feminine voice slipping past your beak. Well, it comes out more as muted coos and caws, but something in your brain is able to translate that.


"Perfect. Now that that's out of the way, I'm glad to see that I'm not the only gryphon here anymore." He scratches the ruff of feathers on his chest as he looks to you, wings swaying from side to side.


"Wait, you mean before me, there weren't any others?" You ask.


"Well, not that I know of. I've only been exploring this part of the mountainside, so I can't say for certain. But I do know that this side is just me, some fish, and a surprising number of bears. At least all of the other animals here are delicious."


The gryphon chuckles as it rests its head on its talons, looking to you curiously. "So, what brought you to my neck of the woods?" He asks, a look on his beak that you can only approximate as a grin.


For a moment, you wonder how you should respond to him...

Written by SketchySeraph on 24 June 2016

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