You were a bit confused, and your mind was racing with hundreds of possibilities, regardless of their convincing attitude. How could these few people build an empire? How is the work they’re doing helpful as a whole? What made them even want to live down here, despite the opulent looking setting, it’s all just one large room?! Something didn’t seem right to you, but you continued to listen to their explanation anyway.
The taurs continued their presentation, mentioning that they were merely the managers of hundreds of thousands of others, which had set off an alarm in your head, and you immediately wanted to go to see which others they were talking about. They silently exchanged a glance, and whispered among each other suspiciously before recounting with you. Their smiles stretched far across their faces as they twiddled their fingers and began to close in around you.
Nervously, you stood your ground as they agreed to show you, the taur in front of you shifted their eyes over your shoulder, and in an instant your world went dark. You were knocked unconscious, and you didn’t even know how long you were out.
The world around you was pitch black when you finally came around, your eyes blinked, confused, as you began to register the heavy weights against your paws which rattled as you shuffled about. It didn’t take long for you to realize what had happened, you were caught! Your mind raced with what could have happened, but clearly your fate was sealed when you entered that dark place.
You were caught, never truly knowing what had happened to you or why, and though you became quite well acquainted with some of the other taurs who were put to work for the ‘good of the kingdom’ you sadly and tirelessly spent the rest of your life in the dark and dank mines working to help build a kingdom you were doomed to never live in.
Written by Driftingdragon on 14 August 2020
The end (for now)