The Mountains
The other griffon smiles “It is nice to meet you. The flock is waiting for you. ”
“You can talk? So what did I pick?” you ask.
“You picked the griffon path, so the change is already beginning” he says.
“And which griffon? Male or female?”
“Well look down”
You look down to see the bulge between your legs shrinking, while a bulge on your chest is growing,
“Female” you say “but I thought griffons were birds? In other words they don’t have breasts.”
He smiles “Of course, but until we land you are still human”
Before you know it the griffon lands and tosses you off.
The other griffons circle you, and you notice most of them are female. “Where are the males?” you ask.
“They are out at an outpost. There mates are here with their chicks.
“But I am male, I don’t want to be a mother.” you screech as your beak forms.
He smiles “Well you definitely don’t look male too me. As for becoming a mother that is up to you, that is only one of the paths available. But I must say any griffon would be honoured to have you as there mate.”
One of the other griffons somehow has gotten a mirror to show your new body. Looking over yourself next to the male griffon you can see the differences between the male and all the females.
He comes over to you “Cyril is my name, what would you like to be know by?”
Written by catprog on 25 December 2017
The end (for now)