Racing will be a good way of traveling
“We do need to make a living,” you say. “Racing will allow us to travel around to the various places while we still earn a living.”
He nods. Meanwhile, we can keep an ear out for local rumors and legends.”
“Are there any locations that centaurs and other hybrid creatures are in a high concentration?” you ask “that is a good starting place.”
“You’d know better than me,” he says with a wry smile.
“Hey, remember I wasn’t a centaur until about an hour ago!” you say. Though, oddly… you actually can recall some things out of this strangely twisted version of your world. You rack your brain, trying to “remember” things you heard.
“Oh yeah,” he says sheepishly. “Um… Do you know my name?”
You pause, thinking. “Rick?” you say hoping that it is correct.
“Your memories are returning?” he asks.
“I’m not sure ‘returning’ is the right word, considering,” you say. “But some things are coming to mind when I think of stuff I know, or should have known, if I grew up as a centaur…”
“Anything of use? Such as where the centaur tribes are? ” he asks hopefully.
“Europe,” you say slowly. “There’s a lot of centaurs in Europe, and most of our legends come from there. But for some reason India is kind of singing out to me…”
“Well, then, we know where to concentrate our bookings. I’ll go see if there are any competitions coming up in those areas. We can register for them, or try out, and look around as we’re there.”
“Sounds good!” you say, with a little wince inside at just how chirpy you sound. “Although... if we find a cure does that mean I would be male and then we won’t be together?”
“Er.” He looks stricken “ well if we can’t find a cure then you don’t have to make a choice. But you probably still want to at least try, and there might be the possibility I could join you.”
“Join me?” you ask.
“If the water made your race in the first place, it could make another centaur right?”
“You’d… do that?” You’re shocked. You don’t know if you’d have willingly given up your humanity, even if it meant being married to the perfect girl. That Rick might…
“Yeah.” He reaches over and pulls you close for a kiss. “For you, I would.” As you stare at him, stunned -- at the kiss as much as his words - he grins and heads towards his home office. “Now, just let me check those schedules.”
He returns twenty minutes later, looking triumphant. “We’re in luck!” he cries. “There’s a prestigious race happening in each place. But they’re both on the same weekend -- we can’t possibly do both, unless you want to do one of them next year. So, which should I apply you for?”
Written by Catprog and Xodiac on 07 January 2016