A woman nearby turns to where you're hiding. She has long red hair, ears matching her hair, and her antlers are small. She approaches, slowly, she looks scared, curious, and a bit threatening.
"Is somebody there?" Her ears are laid down against her head. She moves a couple of branches away from where you're hiding, and your newly brown eyes meet her ice blue ones. She looks shocked at first, then scared, then confused.
"Who are you?" she asks, as you say, "Who.... am I?"
Your voice is still strange to listen to. She looks startled by your question. The young woman crouches down, and you quietly wonder how she doesn't fall. You look away from her, you will panic if you keep looking at her fluttering ears. She gently cradles your face in her hands, forcing you to look at her. She looks so human, if it wasn’t for the antlers, the ears, and the legs. She acts human too. You don't understand.
"I will take you to our leader," she says, her voice gentle. The red haired woman grabs your hand and pulls you up. "Come with me."
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 11 September 2017