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Your position isn't safe so you flee once more for your life. The copters can be heard spreading out, one headed toward you. It's right over you. Frightened now, far more than ever before, your paws beat upon the ground in futile effort. The latch pops on the copter's wings and the canister drops. A thundering crack hits you, sending you screeching through the air and landing on the ground roughly. You barely missed death that time, but the copter isn't done yet. Like the Cherron Ferry himself, this wolf wants to send you straight across the River Stix. With the flick of his paw and the action of his horrible machine he seals your fate...or so he thinks.


A red and brown form dashes in front of you. The figure stands before the copter and holds out a paw, muttering something indecipherable. A green aura surrounds the two of you and the bomb explodes without harming either of you. Now out of ammunition and frustrated the Helicopter disengages, flying off to rejoin formation. You know they'll be back but now it appears you have a guardian.


The tall sleek fox dressed so elegantly, stands before you. From the black tipped ears and perfectly splashed muzzle to the cleanly groomed, fine hair tail, he seems a like a golden figure lighting up a horrible room. He offers you a paw and the world seems to stop for just a split second when you take a hold of it. He smiles and his eyes melt your soul. The long brown coat he wears is fully engraved with runic characters. You guess at their meaning but can't be sure. Is he a priest of some kind? You wonder.


He introduces himself while bowing to you, "Kee Lerru Untos."

Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 23 November 2013

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