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<br/>You move over to the edge of the water and cast the spell. you swim a lot faster then you have ever swum before and you put up in the assembly room and start smashing everything in sight! <br/> <br/>Soon their is big piles of debris in the room and you glance up at the material tank and the pile of material under it starts disappearing. You look up and see the tank not falling and the thought passes your mind that it is being refilled from the material on the ground. You smile as the material is no longer being used to make portals. And since the ones that were already made are being sucked into that gigantic portal-with-light-show, that means this world is no longer in danger of being slowly submerged beneath a global flood! Once the big portal stops getting power from all the little ones, it will decay. <br/> <br/>

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 31 October 2010

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