You ask Slag about mining your own cave.
He snorts a puff of smoke and raises and eyebrow. He tells you that it's too close to winter to start a new cave. And that all of his miners are busy with new food and livestock chambers. He points you towards a blank cave wall you can start yourself. He tells you that you can sleep in the common area by the main fire until it's finished.
Slag leaves you to start picking and digging at the hard flint and granite wall. You find it oddly fun to chisel the walls smooth and add your own personal designs to the new doorway.
You manage to carve a very nice doorway before needing to sleep. You continue working on your cave everyday after helping Coke bring in food. After a few days, the wind brings a nip with it.
The work of bringing in fish and other food slows to once a week due to the onset of winter. But even with the extra time, the cold doesn't help you get anymore work done.
You wake one morning barely able to stand the freezing bite of the harsh winter. You've carved out a small nook for your cave but it's not spacious enough to make a fire.
It's too late to ask someone for shelter. You won't freeze to death with the common fire and food so nearby. But you'll have to face the rest of winter like this.
Written by SkyBrigidRain on 10 September 2017