... A giant black-scaled dragon flying in from the north. As you stare into the red eyes full of hatred on its face, you can tell he's directing that hatred at you.
"Dovakin" The dragon said with anger very evident in its voice. "Zu fen oblaan ho!" You don't know what he said, but you took a wild guess and decided to do something along the lines of RUN! You leap from rooftop to rooftop without any stealth whatsoever.
"Hey! What do you think you're doing up there!" a guard below spots you. You stop only a mere moment to reply and get warning out.
"Running for my life! I suggest you do the same!" You shout back pointing at the big-ass angry dragon behind you. The guard sees it and in a panic, cries out to the others:
"D-Dr-DRAGON!" Just before the huge beast soars overhead. Suddenly, all hell breaks loose. The guards instantly drop what their doing, prisoners attempt to make their escape, and the dragon goes on a rampage, obviously trying to find you among the crowd. You spot a prisoner unlike the rest by the fact that he was covered in fur, and had a long, thin tail waving in fear behind him. It was a cat-person. You looked down at yourself to find you were more or less the same, except you appeared to be more fox than cat. Oh yeah, and you also apparently grew a pair of boobs on your chest. It looks like you're going to have to deal with being a vixen.
You see he's been trapped with one of the blue armored prisoners and one of the tan armored guards with two burning piles of buildings on either direction of the once-open path, and buildings on either of the other sides. Those two were going to die if you don't get in there and show them how to climb out. You kicked into high gear, and started leaping your way to them. Finally, you made it. You jumped down from the roof and hit the ground rolling towards them in the almost circle of fire. The guard had gotten out already. Apparently, whatever exit he'd used was gone now. The cat's hands were charred too. And whatever had bound him was gone now.
"Who are you?" Asked the Stormcloak. You shook your head.
"Do you really think that matters right now?!" You shout over the roaring flames. "Come on! I know how to get you guys out of this mess!" You turn around, running to the building that wasn't burning yet, and started climbing up, using every nook and cranny to keep a firm grip on the house. The two prisoners looked at each other behind your back, before just following along. You got them to the roof, finding the cat almost made it before you, but only because you had to go back and help the human a little. The dragon passed overhead, burning the roof next to you to the ground, only leaving the skeleton of the house intact. You gracefully led the way, balancing across the beams while running. You turn at the other end to instruct the other two.
"When you cross, be quick, and keep your legs bent!" You call out. They do as they're told, following you promptly. You continue until you have to get down and cross a road into what you heard the Stormcloak guy call Helgen Keep. You just jump down, and roll with your momentum. You turn back and tell the others to do so as well. They both successfully do the same, the Stormcloak only just barely due to his armor. You manage to get all three of you inside.
"Well, *pant* that didn't *pant* go too *pant* horribly wrong, *pant* did it?" You commented with your hands on your knees as you struggled for breath.
"Too horribly wrong?! What could be worse than the return of dragons!" The Stormcloak said in obvious outrage.
"How about getting stuck in another dimension in a different gender and race altogether? It'd be hell for an army's worth of soldiers to be going through that and I already am!" You say returning the emotion. Then you realize you probably sound crazy right about then.
"I'm sorry, but WHAT!?" the cat man shouted.
"Well, I just happened to be from a dimension where dragons never existed, I used to be a regular human guy, and there was no such thing as a talking animal. Or whatever you call yourself." You gesture towards the cat person.
"Khajiit." He corrects you.
"Whatever. All I know is, I'm in the middle of some personal chaos, and there's a big-ass angry dragon out there that's hunting me down. At the moment, nothing makes sense, and I'm just rolling with the punches." You say, letting off some steam.
"I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't know." The Stormcloak says. Then he reaches his hand out. "I'm Ralof, of the Stormcloak rebellion."
"I'm Sam, or used to be. You can call me Sonya as I am now. I always liked that name." You said, shaking hands with him. The Khajiit offered his hand next.
"Call me Jack." He said simply. Unusual name for a cat, but oh well. You shook on it. Your small introductions were interrupted by a voice booming outside:
"Veyn los ho, Dovakin?! Where are you, Dragonborn?! Zu lost hin sahlon! I have your scent!" the dragon shouted. Then it hit you. You know where you are now. Skyrim. Your eyes darted to the Khajiit, you now know to be the Dragonborn. It's all clear all of a sudden.
"Wait, I know where I am now. We need to get out of here! Come on, this way! I'll explain once we're on our way to Riverwood!" You said, pulling Jack and Ralof with you through the open gate. You lead them down the way until you come to where you were supposed to meet the first soldiers for a fight. Instead, you found dead Stormcloaks.
"Looks like Hadvar came through here, no doubt trying to escape. You two ought to get some of their weapons. It doesn't serve the dead as much as those that need to live." Ralof said. You and Jack nodded and each went to take some weapons.
Jack went the extra mile and took some armor too. You only took the gloves and bracers, seeing as how you already have some pretty light armor already, and you wanted heavier defense on your arms if you had no time to pull out your other defenses. Still, you took an iron shield too, and strapped it to your back with a one-handed iron sword. Also, just for stealth measures, you took a pair of iron daggers. You search the entire room where you knew potions would be. Sharing your loot with the others, you moved on, leading the others even further into the underground. You made sure to grab every potion you saw along the way, knowing you'd need them. Two more groups of dead Stormcloaks later, and you'd made it into the cave. It hadn't collapsed yet, but it had been re-sealed. You pulled the leaver to open the drawbridge, and went through into the cave. The drawbridge broke soon after crossing it because of a rock-fall.
"Well, it looks like anyone who doesn't know how to climb isn't getting back that way. Let's get a move on. We don't want that dragon to make this cave collapse on us, now do we?" Ralof said. You agree, and lead them through the cave, killing Frostbite spiders with the new bow you picked up earlier, and sneaking past the bear at the end, still collecting potions as you went. Once outside the cave, Alduin flies overhead, heading past Whiterun.
"That's the last of Alduin we'll be seeing for a long time now." You say. Ralof gives you a look of pure horror.
"That was the Alduin? Man, we've got a lucky break if we survived an encounter with him." He said. You nod.
"Yeah, but that encounter was the one that saved our lives. As much as I hate to say it, we owe Alduin a thank you." Jack said. "Now, what was it you wanted to explain, Sonya?" Jack asked. You gestured for them to come with you as you started walking down the path to Riverwood.
"Alright, when I arrived in this world, and I heard you guys talking about dragons, I started to get the feeling I knew this place, then came the scene of the execution which made the feeling stronger. When Alduin mentioned the Dragonborn, it finally clicked. I do know this world. Better than I thought I did."
"Okay, but how could you know a world you're not from?" Ralof asked.
"Simple. Fictional stories. In my world, we've advanced much farther in technology than this world could even dream. Part of that tecnology includes video games. The most basic explanation for those I can think of right now is that they're a kind of window into fictional events, made entirely for entertainment, that a person can control."
"And where are you going with this?" Jack asked.
"I mean, all of the event from now until Alduin dies, maybe even afterwards, all of that is in a game. I haven't played all of it, but I have almost gotten to the part where you kill Alduin." You said, remembering how buggy your copy of the game had gotten when you got to that point.
"Huh. So I guess that means you know pretty much everything we can do about the dragons." Jack said.
"Not exactly. Really, all I did in the game was run around as a werewolf, massaccre bandits and such until I had a high enough level to face Alduin. My big plan to face Alduin was go through the normal quest until he showed up, then wolf out on him, cause I'd gotten wolf form that strong. The only downside to wolf form in the game was pretty much every friendly person around you turned on you and tried to kill you when you used it." You said.
"Seriously? How'd you become a werewolf in the first place?" Jack said in both ridicule and a bit of hidden interest. You guess he might want to be a werewolf if he could control it like you could in the game.
"One of two ways, as far as I know. One, join the Companions of Whiterun and do a few jobs for them, then Bam! you're accepted into their circle, and that includes accepting the blood of the wolf. Two, there's a guy in Falkreath's prison who stole Hircines ring to control his shifts, but Hircine cursed the ring to make the shifts random. The guy gives you the ring after hearing him out, then you have to find a way to contact Hircine and see if he'll take the curse off the ring. There's a bit more detail to that, but I won't bore you with them unless you actually want to go and do that." You say. One look at Jack told you he was interested. Ralof was... less so.
All that talk had gotten you to Riverwood before you knew it. No wolves had attacked you on the way. In fact, you'd spotted dead ones off the side of the road. When you arrived in Riverwood, you saw Hadvar come from across the bridge from the wood cutting mill. He spotted Jack and Ralof and ran up to them smiling.
"Ralof! Jack! You're both alive! I thought you'd died in the fire!" He said, thoroughly confusing you. Weren't Ralof and Hadvar supposed to hate each other's guts?
"Hey, c'mon. I understand your doubt in him, but me? You can't have forgotten the Nine Lives thing, right?" Jack said jokingly. Now you were even more confused. How come Jack was talking to him like a long-lost friend when you know he's never been in Skyrim before? Ralof, seeing your confusion, decided to explain for you.
"Jack here got me and Hadvar to cooperate and forget our past during the dragon attack. Jack calls himself the Peacekeeper where he comes from, and he's got good reason to, as far as I'm concerned. He may even end this bloody war with merely a few words to the High King!" Ralof said. Well that's new.
"That never happened in the game. The game forces the player to pick between you two when you get to the Keep. I always picked you for the bonus of using the forge and getting the materials that lied around it without getting accused of stealing it. I always did like making my own weapons and armor." You say. Hadvar spotted you and his jaw just dropped.
"Are you what I think you are?" He asked you. You found it obvious he meant a Lilmothiit, the ancient nomadic fox race of Skyrim, which vanished a long time ago, but you decided to play with him a bit.
"You mean a trans-dimensional vixen? Yeah. I wasn't exactly born like this but still." You said, causing jack to crack a very big smile as he tried to stop the wave of laughs threatening to escape his throat. You saw the look of total shock on Hadvar's face and couldn't help but do the same as Jack, although with much more success. "Oh you mean the ancient race of fox people that went missing a few centuries back." You say with a tone indicating false realization. "Yeah, I probably am, but there's no real way to know for sure. Not unless you guys have a way to check DNA in this day and age, but I know you don't so there's really nothing to know for sure."
You just stood there and watched Hadvar with amusement until you decided it was time to clue him in on what you were talking about. So, one or two family meetings and Origin stories later, everyone knew what happened to you.
"So what do you plan on doing now?" Hadvar asked you. "Not getting in trouble with the factions now, I hope."
That's a good question, actually. Where are you going now?
Written by GameHero on 22 January 2014
The end (for now)