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The Inconvenience of Pajamas emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel stared at his phone’s screen, glaring at the over enthusiastic brightness. “Tch,” he scoffed and dragged himself to his feet. He smacked his face lightly. “You can do this.”


Feeling more determined he sauntered over to the door. He turned the knob halfway before making the clever decision to glance down. He whipped his hand away from the handle and jumped back a few spaces for good measure. He was naked, nearly entirely. Boxers hung loosely to his...her hips and her breasts were completely bare almost as if to declare to the world “Hey, I’m here! Look at this! Woo I’m a cat girl!”


Daniel’s face was flushed and she quickly crossed her arms over her chest. She took another deep breath and walked over to the closet. Being careful not to expose herself again, she inched the sliding doors open. Her eyes were immediately assaulted by a barrage of girly clothes. Dresses and skirts seemed to stretch on for miles in that moment. Daniel grimaced.


“Oh c’mon, even Pammy wears pants,” she muttered and began rooting around the mess of hangers and fabric. Eventually a pair of jean shorts made their way into her hands. She hummed with mild satisfaction. “That’ll do.”


On the brink of not caring anymore, she snagged a random top from the pile. Once she was snugly in her new ensemble she threw on a pair of sneakers and zipped out the door.


Written by Flutterbest on 26 January 2018

Both Go downstairs

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