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The temple of Hades star star star halfstar emptystar

You decide to land at the temple, and set down surprisingly well. You look inside, and find a statue of Hades...oops. You know that the statue is of Hades the same way you knew about Charon, this creepy new suit-knowledge you've been getting. You freeze--Persephone told you that priestesses of Hades would kill you on sight. Before you can fly away, though, someone steps out of the temple. At first you think it's just a shadow, until it crosses the threshold of the temple and starts toward you. It's actually an anthropomorphic black female cat wearing black, flowing robes. The only color on the entire figure is a pair of piercing pale blue eyes. Your rational mind tells you to fly away while you've still got the chance--heck, maybe she hasn't even seen Persephone's mark yet. And yet, something tells you to stay. Instinct, maybe...or maybe you sense goodness in this worshipper of death.


The stops and calls out to you: "Be at peace, Creature. If you are sacred to any god you are sacred to me, and I can cause you no ill. Approach my temple and the blessings of The Rich One shall be granted unto you." Well, that sounds nice. So, should you follow Persephone's advice and flee, or stick around?

Written by Zodiac on 06 August 2007

The end (for now)

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