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Imhotep emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

Daniel stalked out of the lab, her two comrades following closely on her heels. She was annoyed that this man was so easily manipulating her decisions but she didn’t know what else to do.


“So who are you anyway?” she asked bluntly once the merry scientist reappeared on the horizon. He was leading them further down the passage but he didn’t seem concerned about the light at the end of it.


“Well, like I said, I work with genet--”


“That’s not what I meant. What’s your name, genius?”


“Ah. You three may call me Imhotep.”


“Imhotep huh...?” Daniel could’ve sworn she’d heard the name before but she was a writer after all, she’d heard and researched plenty of unusual names just to write three hundred word nothings. It was probably just some glorified geneticist he named himself after; he seemed the type to do such things.


The group turned into an archway only two doors down from what appeared to be the source of the glow. Luckily once they entered the ghoulish tint the light had given to all their features disappeared and was replaced by modern, fluorescent lights. What greeted them was what looked like a clean, upgraded model of the laboratory they’d just left. Chemicals bubbled in glass vials, a variety of microscopes stood sleekly on the tables, and files were stacked neatly nearby. One corner was taken up by several tall machines filled with a nearly clear fluid, disgusting and bizarre “specimens” floating in them.


“So this is where you do your work?” David’s eyes didn’t break away from the repulsive test subjects as he asked.


“That is correct!” Imhotep brushed off a few dusty stools and offered them to his obviously uncomfortable guests. Reluctantly they sat down, murmuring thank yous. “So would you like a snack? Something to drink?” The teens stared at him incredulously. He waved their judgmental looks off and laughed. “I’m joking, I’m joking! Kids are so serious nowadays. Now then, I’ll be right back. I’d advise you to not touch anything.”


Imhotep stepped into what Daniel had thought was a closet and shut the door behind him, leaving Pammy, David, and Daniel by themselves.


Written by Flutterbest on 10 January 2018

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