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“Why do they give us clothes?” you ask.
“I guess they think it’s more fair than letting us run around with no armor or anything. This isn’t
normal clothes, it’s armored a-”
“Tell that to my leg,” you snap.
Aiden’s eyes narrow and he snorts. “You think that’s bad?”
“Oh, you think you’re so big because you have some macho scar? What does that prove? That
you’re stupid? You don’t know how to fight?”
“I was risking my life to save another self-centered bitch!” he yells.
“Fuck you!” you yell, throwing the pillow at him. It hits his face and he glares for a little bit before
breaking out into a laugh. “What’s so funny?” you ask.

Written by kergiby on 09 September 2011

Both a ridiculous situation

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