Attack Impmon
“ Gaahhhh!” you scream and leap into the air. The pressure in you slowly flows out, your feeling better as you raise a fist to give Impmon a beat down you feel he clearly deserved. A side glance revealed a ghostly blue flame enveloping your paw but you don't care. You're just mad. You bring down the flaming paw ready to send Impmon flying across the yard.
When Renamon step in front, purple sleeved arm crossed in front of her face. She takes the blow like its nothing, you stay trapped in that place until the ghost flames die out. You fall to your knees puffing, the anger drained out of you, You look up at the Renamon who stopped your blow. “
Thank you, that-that wasn't me.” You stutter, Impmon is one of the world's or multi-verses biggest jerk, but it wasn't your place to destroy him, that blow could have killed the tiny digimon! A final acceptance over the situation settles in you. “If I stay like this much longer, maybe you can help me with control?” You ask, even a few more hours with no control seem like to much. What if something set you off again? You didn't like that. If you hit someone, you wanted full control of the situation and power behind the blow.
“ Didn't know you cared Renamon.” Impmon jumped up and kissed Renamon's check. For a minute there you had assumed he was talking to you!
“ I don't,” Renamon finally talks! Answering Impmon with a cool uninterested voice. You watch as she picks him up by his bandana and tosses him like his nothing. With a simple flick of her wrist she sends Impmon flying over the house and out of sight. You look at your own yellow fur paw and black claws. You had the same power now. Which amazed you but not the control. Which you realize was more important then the power.
You look up at Renamon, who stared down at you with her icy blue gaze. “Your more amazing then I ever could have imagined.” In awe over what you now understand was a amazing amount of power.
“ It was nothing.” Renamon answered turning away. “Let's get you home, human boy.” Renamon walks over to her Tamer, Rika. Who must have stayed at the side-lines this entire time. Your happy that she called you human boy and not Renamon. It was good to have someone else remember and acknowledge your circumstances. Just for when, if, you got lost within yours.
“ Not bad. You could make some Tamer proud if you stayed like this.” Rika said, still standoffish but not insulting as earlier, you'll take it.
Written by psto1464 on 23 July 2017