Your pack’s leader
Honestly, you had grown pretty attached to this pack as a whole. After what seemed like ages over the past few days, you had become friendly with more of the seals, but there wasn’t anyone in the pack more grateful for your help than the pack’s leader. He was a massive elephant seal, far larger than you, but your own size still made you significantly larger than some of the other seals. The seal leader must have liked how much stronger and smarter you were than the other seals. This made you feel pretty good, so of course, your obvious option would be to spend some more time with him.
“Hello there. Thank you so much for all your help. I don’t think I’ve had the chance to say thanks.”
“Oh that’s fine. I really appreciate you all taking me in as well.” You replied.
“Can I confide in you about something?” He asked and you nodded in response. The two of you go off into a more private place, farther away from the rest of the pack underneath a really comfortable patch of rocks, “I feel as though the danger here is barely over. I worry that our worst problems have barely even begun, though I have no idea what it could be about.” His voice sounded genuine, solemn, and a bit depressed as he talked it over with you.
“Really? What makes you think that?” You asked him.
“I’m not too sure.”
“Do you have any proof or evidence?” You asked.
“No, this is why I’ve kept all of my theories to myself.” He said, pausing for a moment. “Actually, there are a few things that I’ve been noticing. Remember when you mentioned something about the ocean getting hotter? Well That just seemed to happen so fast, over the course of a few days. I don’t think anyone else noticed how weird that was, but it was really weird to me. I couldn’t talk to anyone about it.”
“I see I see. That sounds suspicious…”
“Yeah… It’s nice to be able to talk about this with someone, honestly, I’ve just been really paranoid about it.” He started to get awkward, maybe now would have been a good time to give him some form of reassurance. After all, if something was still happening, maybe it could be something to help you more quickly find your next outfit!
Written by Drifting Dragon on 11 October 2023