You’re confused as you choose this class, considering how there seems to be no clothing included with this one. All you can see is a large doubled headed axe, nearly as big as you are tall. How am I even supposed to lift this thing, you wonder as your hand grips the wooden shaft. That answer comes soon after your fingers wrap around it.
Some use nature to conceal their movements as they hunt. Others use nature as an ally, summoning her animals and using her plants to aid them in subduing their enemies. You are not that. You are nature’s raw, unbridled strength.
At the mention of, “strength”, you feel an almost electric jolt run through you from the axe. Your grip tightens on it as the jolt becomes a heat, building up in your hand holding the axe and slowly crawling up your arm. Whatever it is feels like it’s in your veins, pumping directly through your bloodstream and into your body. It starts to feel a little uncomfortable, especially in your arms as your shirt sleeves suddenly seem to be under a lot of pressure.
You are no more uncivilized or wild than any other man or woman, most of the time. When it comes time for combat, however, you may be mistaken for something akin to a wild beast. Your blows are savage, rending unprotected flesh and bone with ease. Even should your enemy strike you, only the most grievous of injuries will slow your attack.
Your shirt sleeve practically explodes off your body as the muscles of your arm surge with size and strength. The feeling of growing power and size flows throughout your body, feeling bones shifting and even growing a little bit taller to accommodate your increasing bulk. Any fears about being stark naked are put to rest as more of your shirt strains, especially when your chest starts to push forward. Underneath your tearing clothes is a top made of brown fur, maybe from a bear? You certainly feel like you could go toe to toe with one right now as your bicep reaches a noticeable peak when you flex it.
Your pants follow suit soon after, revealing leggings of a similar design as you feel a bit of the earlier wildness coming back in force. You imagine yourself surrounded by dark animals, indistinct except for their vaguely canine shape. They growl, snarl, and leap at you, intent to swarm you with their sheer numbers. It might have worked too, if you didn’t then imagine grabbing the first one to leap at you by its neck and using him to beat the one who comes at you next. They’re animals, but as you destroy them one by one with just your bare hands, the truth becomes clear; you’re a beast.
As your finish your transformation into a muscle bound, near savage wolfess, you lift the axe with ease. It still has some heft to it for sure, but that only serves to aid instead of hinder you. Spotting a nearby fallen tree, you slam your axe down into it. Despite being easily a foot or more around, the axe cleanly cleaves the tree in two. Your tail wags as you heft your weapon onto your shoulder, eager to test your strength on a live opponent.
Written by LunaMoonstone on 28 October 2017
The end (for now)