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"Of course you still have to get out of the room" you think as you look at the firmly shut door. "Clever" you think "Trap anyone in here and then only he would be able to turn them back"


There's a knob on the door; you place your forepaws around it, one on each side, and find that you can't pull the thing open. Unfortunately, your paws just can't get a firm-enough grip on the thing to turn it... Another idea comes to mind: The knob is small enough to fit in your mouth, so you could bite into it and turn it by moving your head. You try this, and... works! The door slips open and you escape. You look up the winding staircase and back down trying to decide between the two. What the heck; you're here, so you may as well keep looking for something that can re-humanize you. And now that you know you can open the door, you go back into the room so you can give it a nice, thorough search...


This thought is interrupted by a long yawn. Well you have had a big day and this appears to be a good place to sleep. You curl up on the floor and close your eyes...

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 11 September 2010

Search the room

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