The story
Arms wrap around you in comfort as you struggle to see and perceive the world around you. Your sight comes back slowly, mirroring the decrease in your heart-rate. She apologizes whilst holding you tightly. Wiping the last of your tears away, you can see the other female and what stands before you frightens you to the bone at first.
A long furred gray wolf stands before you. Her scarred face resembles that of someone caught in an explosion while her piercing gaze simply rends you to the core with an unshakable chill. You jump, by instinct and by reflex. She tries to hold you still, to keep you upright, but you want no part in having her in your vicinity. She smiles and from the view you have she looks like she's baring her teeth at you. You try to take off but as you turn you run smack into the old fox that helped you earlier yesterday. He doesn't say a word but simply holds onto your trembling form to keep you from running.
You manage to calm down and finally get a truly good look at the she-wolf. You can see the smile for what it is now and her face appears so disarming. The blood in your veins thaw and you take a deep breath. She speaks with you and explains that this group is a resistance against those she ran into earlier. They are fighting the ones who hurt you and chased you the day before. The Felines joined with the Lupines three years ago and took over the city as well as several surrounding areas. The alliance was a pact to exterminate the Vulpines. Their political and true militaristic goals were a mystery but they were obviously here with more than enough firepower to win the city. The two sides have already been fighting constantly, laying waste to the city and farmland alike. The shear defensibility of the tightly knit streets were the true reason why the had held them off so long despite being outnumbered and overmatched.
Even with all their valiant efforts, however, the sheer might of the invaders simply overran them. With little left of the city, the Vulpines have reverted to their dens from ages ago. The old tunnels keep them from sight during the day and allow them to work beneath their enemy. She goes on to explain that she was a commander of one of the original forces that took the city but once she saw what they were truly doing to the populace she deserted. Her betrayal earned her the scar that blankets the side of her face. As she left the column, her APC was caught in the flank by one of her own tank's fire. The shrapnel in the cockpit shredded across her face and ruined her eye. She was captured by a resistance member after left for dead and granted asylum in return for aiding in the defense and resistance. With her guidance they managed to take back a very small quarter of the city within the last couple of months but their fight becomes more desperate with each passing hour.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 13 November 2013