“Diamond Storm!” You shout, it feels like an echo in your head. The words familiar yet foreign. The build up of heat escapes your body, forming it a dozen green popular tree leaves. It feels good, but not enough. Lost in your anger, in the power of the moment. Your thoughts turn towards Renamon, she was the only target here.
On this grassy field there was nothing but bright green grass, yourself and Renamon. Her yellow fur reminded, her purple sleeved covered arms, point fox-like noise and cold eyes. Those frigid blue eyes! You knew though you haven't looked, you felt though you couldn't look. Renamon was a mirror, a mirror of what you are now. What you couldn't control and what you couldn't be.
They stopped in the air long enough for you to see the green large oval pointed leaves twirl and for you reasoning to come back. The leaves turn and point at Renamon. She wanted to see your power? She wanted you angry? Then let her have it! The leaves came raining down on Renamon. Sharp like daggers their edges glittered in the sun. Renamon only lifted a paw as defence, you watch her raise it and bring down the leaves with quick movements of her claws. Shredding your attack like it was nothing, and making green dust in the wind.
“Damn!” You mutter more to yourself then Renamon. She was always so calm! You didn't have that! The power was still felt tight, nestled inside you, like it was lying there; an eager dog waiting for commanded. Renamon drops her paw back to her side, you don't even rate a defensive stance.
“Diamond Storm.” You say loudly but without screaming. The words still feel, you pause as the power releases once more a twirling of leaves; funny. Giving this feeling a word seems to centre you. You watch calmly as the leaves get into place. You weren't a real digimon, you didn't grow up with this power. You couldn't control it easily, you just got the damn ability! There was one thing you could do, and that was be human. Renamon raises her sharpened claws yet again, ready to destroy our leaves. You feel a smile creep up on your face. It feels weird, like it was hooking up around your teeth. If you could see it, you probably look a little crazy, but that was fine with you. As the leaves shot ahead, you followed behind. Using your much large digimon feet to dig into the grass beneath you. You feel fast. A wind created by your own movements ruffled you fur. You use your powerful legs to leap into the air, it felt great! Your own human legs couldn't do this!
“Knock out!” You shout with a laugh. As gravity bought you back down, it brought down your fist. Your Diamond storm was already shredded green dust, man was she quick! Renamon block it and tossed you sideways. You roll in the grass, defeated. You not even mad. The anger was gone, drained out of you, leaving with the feeling of power but no need to use it. Renamon's face comes into view.
“Knock out is not a move.” Renamon says, her face as closed off and unreadable as always.
“Maybe for you, but I'm special.” You say fully aware of how cocky you sound.
“Oh?” Renamon makes the sound with a quirk of her ear.
“I'm a boy trapped in a digimon body. We boys got our own moves.” You feel the same creepy smile drift across your face. You don't care, your felt awesome, this time you had it. A true acceptance of your circumstance, you in a digimon body, but that didn't stop you from being a boy. You gave Renamon two thumbs up from your place on the ground.
“That I can believe. Now lets repeat that last movements but with more thought.” You watch Renamon turned and walked a few feet away. “Now again. While the feeling is still fresh inside of you.”
“Alright!” You jump up and focus on pulling that nest of energy from you body. You felt the warm power flow through you, it came faster and easier then before. “Diamond Storm” You repeat calling out this power and Renamon destroying it, until the high noon sun because a russet orange of evening.
“That's enough for now.” Renamon halts the training with a raised paw. Your panting so hard that you can't stop to responds, you feel as though you could pass out. You get back home you swear to work out more. “Lets go back, eat rest and discuss where you go from here.” You nod wearily and trail behind Renamon as you follow her path back to the house. As tired as you are, you doubt you would remember where it was. Back at the house, you slump tiredly on the small couch Calumon had in her open floor plan main floor, it was pink and cute. The whole design was very cute, all pink, white with fresh-cut flowers nearly everywhere including hanging from the ceiling; they were the ones you notice most as you had you head draped on the back of the couch, you only had it in you to look up.
“Would you like to rest instead of helping out with super, culu?” Caulmon ask floating above your head, concern etched into her white furry puppy like face.
“You need help?” You ask tiredly, you had done dozens of Diamond storm before you could send for it at will; everything felt heavy and if it wasn't heavy you couldn't feel it at all. Like the tail, you assumed it was there, but could you feel it? No, no you couldn't. “I can help.” You don't want to get off the small but heavenly soft couch but manners dictate you should help out, right?
“You don't have to, culu!” Caulmon waves her paws and shook her head back and forth, deny her need for help with her whole body. Do you?
Written by psto1464 on 17 August 2017