All By Yourself
Clattering gravel crunches under your spongy sneakers as you set off down the drive, determined to leave that mansion behind forever.
...But it's *cold.*
Like, maybe 0 degrees Celsius or less. And it's windy. Then it starts snowing. Cold freezes the sweat on your skin as you hug yourself in the furious winds of the mountaintop. You're wet with melted snow... in this environment, this is a critical blow. You could catch hypothermia in perhaps an hour or less. You cast an eye on the mansion again, suddenly doubtful. Could this be a prank? Or something? You went to sleep in your own bed just last night...
Well, you reason, if it's a prank, they'll definitely stop you before you die.
Fifteen minutes later finds you hugging the rough rock walls of the cliff side road to try and escape the wind, which has only picked up power. Ice water fills your eyes, running down from your snow-caked hair. You can't feel your ears or the outermost skin on your forearms, not to mention your legs. But, blowing on your hands religiously, you press on.
After a half hour passes, you are aware that your condition is critical. Never has winter shown you fury like this. You can't feel anything anymore, and your steps are stumbling. Worse--you're starting to feel warm, one of the most severe symptoms of hypothermia. You've got to find shelter soon, and even then it may be too late!
Written by Mr.Peaches on 24 October 2006