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You nod eagerly, cooing quietly. Quill sounds nice; it sounds more than nice! It almost rolls off the tongue, speaking to both a feminine side and a masculine one alike!


"I think I won't mind being called that, not in the slightest." You say at length, deciding that you rather like the name.


"So, Talon and Quill..." The male chuckles, fluttering his wings. "That almost sounds like a tv series."


"I'd watch it." You grin, happy to have made a friend.


He seems equally pleased, though he also sends a look back down to the bear carcass. "So... Do you want to try out what real meat tastes like? You are part lion, you know."


You shudder slightly, but you also hadn't really thought about it like that. It makes sense that you'd eat meat, right? After all, if you're a predator...

Written by SketchySeraph on 28 June 2016

Let nature work its course

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