Smurf Yeah!
The room is decorated like a bar, although sadly the bottles are dry. The costumes hang hither and yon. There is no way out. Hooray. Finally you choose a charming white cap. Your ears were a little cold anyway.
BY THE POWER OF THE COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES FOUND IN WHOLE GRAINS! When you don the cap you are falling, falling, falling! Your clothes and all worldly possessions on your person are lost to you as you shrink in size! The only things you are left with is that cap and a pair of white footy pants with a hole for your blue nub of a tail stub to poke through! Falling, falling and falling more still, you land in a sunny glade, surrounded by mushrooms... and Smurfs.
"Golly gee whiz!" One cries. "Are all right, Earthling Smurf?" A nametag is found taped to your chest with said name.
...Now what?
Written by Mr.Peaches on 20 June 2007
The end (for now)