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Wake up safely star star star emptystar emptystar

You wake up and feel a warm blanket around you. The sun is shining right in your eyes. Your
face scrunches in annoyance at being awakened and you sit up, rubbing your eyes as you open
“Where am I?” you ask yourself.
Looking around, you see a rudimentary tree house, literally just four walls and a roof. There is
an opening in the door where the sun peeked in. You furrow your brow and sit up. You wince as
you put weight on your leg.
“Shit,” you say.
“Easy,” a voice says.
You turn to the doorway and see a large tiger with broad shoulders. He wears shorts and a
black tank top that still appear in perfect condition, but his fur tells a different story. It is clear
that he’s been many scrapes as evident by the spot on his chest where no fur grows, a jagged
line that goes from shoulder to shoulder.
Like someone tore his flesh apart.
“Who are you?” you say.
“I’m Aiden, I saw you get hurt and wanted to help.”

Written by kergiby on 19 August 2011


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