Odd accents...
You grab an orange hoodie off of a shelf. It feels wonderfully soft to the touch, and you waste no time at all in unfolding it to put it on. As you are about to throw it over your head, you hesitate, remembering how hot it is out today. You remove your shirt to stay cool, and then you throw the hoodie on. You glance at yourself in a mirror to see how it looks, and the results are positive. However, when you are examining your reflection, you note some odd accents on the hoodie. There is an odd white mark on the middle of the chest, as well as black marks just above your butt and 2 on the top of the hood. You ignore them, not overly concerned, and change back into your regular clothes before heading home with the hoodie in hand.
Written by Someone_Else on 29 May 2008
The end (for now)