Meeting Gerod
You smile happily as you work yourself to your feet, legs no longer trembling underneath you as your new paws stay firmly planted on the ground, feeling the crunch of the grass underneath you, your new claws stretching and gripping at the ground beneath you, trying to adjust to the feel of even having claws.
"Where am I?" You think aloud as you look about the land around you. Nothing else had come by since that dragon that had flown overheard. With a quick glance around, your mind is completely blown by the situation that you find yourself in. Nothing made sense to you, yet you found yourself walking aimlessly, looking around for anything that could help you.
Suddenly, your head perks up as the clopping of hooves makes your new, hyper-sensitive ears perk up. With a swift jerk of your familiar yet new neck muscles, you turn around to see a griffon galloping towards you, his beak glistening under the sunlight as well as his beautiful feathers.
"Hello?!" You squeak out, catching the attention of the griffon just before his wings began to beat, ruffling curiously as he turns to face you, eyes gazing over your face as you feel your mind begin to wonder if you can ever communicate with such a creature. "Umm...hello...uh...where am I?"
"Ha-ha!" The griffon laughs, tossing his head back as if what you said had been a joke. "Ah, a funny female, what a find." The griffon says to you, walking up with his chest proudly displaying muscles earned from a life of hard work.
"I'm...I'm not a female. I'm a man." You explain to the griffon, feeling a bit overwhelmed yet again.
"No, you're not." He responds. "You're a female, I can tell by your scent."
You pause for a second when you take a whiff of the air; you can smell his musky scent, and you can also smell your own, more delicate scent. You're clueless as to how to explain how you can distinguish the two, but all you know is that what this griffon says is true; you're a female.
"Please, I don't know what's going on...I'm not meant to be here!" You cry to the griffon, who's looking less bemused and more puzzled with each word that passes your lips. "I'm not meant to be a creature, I'm a human!"
"Calm yourself, good sphinx, you are delirious." The griffon says slowly, trying to approach you in a calm, dignified manner. "Pray tell me, what is your name?"
"Alex..." You tell him, trying to remember your surname. It feels as if a strange buzz is filling your head and you can't remember much more beyond your given name.
"Well Alex, my name is Gerod." The griffon introduces himself, dipping into a low bow. "I am happy to make your acquaintance. If you will follow me, I will try to help you however I can."
You stare at the griffon carefully, mulling the thought over in your head.
Written by Czar Lawrence III on 07 January 2013