That was a bad idea
Okay...of all the doors in the whole lab, The Grafting Lab door is probably the single worst door you could've chosen. Just saying....
Nonetheless, you (probably by mistake) walk through the Grafting Lab door. Pity, really. You're instantly grabbed by a creature that appears to be an anthropomorphic tyrannosaurus with the head of a rhinoceros, and a wolf-man-gorilla...thing. They slam you down roughly, feet first, on a yellow circle on the floor of the room. The circle starts glowing, and you're lifted off the floor, floating in a standing position.
After assuring that that you can't escape the hover hold, the creatures let you go. You then get your first good look around the room you're in.
Across from you is the door you came in. Near it is a collection of odd-looking medical sort of equipment and an operating table. Behind you is a large metal door, the kind you might find in a barn. Near the door is...a robot horse. Odd...
There two men in lab coats near the operating table, and one of them approaches you.
"Welcome," he says, "to the grafting room. What we seek to do here is create creatures that are part human, part...something else. Things like centaurs and mermaids. The stuff of 'fantasy.' Now, these are particularly complicated and dangerous transformations, because they involve a lot of adding and subtracting of limbs, and an entire part of the subject needs to remain intact. It isn't easy to use our normal methods with these. But here, we're pioneering a new method.
It could...change...your outlook on what is impossible."
The man signals the two creatures, who approach you menacingly and, in a few deft movements, tear your clothes off. Told you this was a bad room to pick. The scientists then begin to study and measure you intently, prodding you and poking you, often in places you'd rather be neither prodded nor poked. After an unbearably long time, one of them says, "Yes, he'll do quite nicely." At his words, the two creatures pick up the ends of a long, black cord. One of them sticks his end to you.
You feel an electric jolt through your legs, and then nothing. You can't move your legs anymore. Then, the other creature plugs his end of the cord into the robot horse. You notice something odd--although you can't move your own legs, you can move the robot's quite easily; all four, in fact, plus the tail!
The scientists take no notice, distracted by a woman bursting through the door you came in by. She's dressed like the other scientists, but you can see a tail poking out from under her lab coat. She whispers urgently to the two men, huddle in a far corner of the room, poring over a chart she brought in with her. Maybe, you think, you should stop playing around. Maybe you shouldn't control the robot. Maybe it doesn't matter, though, and it's nice to be able to control someone's legs, if not your own.
Written by Zodiac on 09 April 2007