In a room
The sign reads
"Welcome all new travellers.
To continue you must go through a series of doors.
After going through you will pick a costume. You will then become a half- human and half that creature.
After a week(100 mins a hour,20 hrs a day,10 days a week) has passed you may morph and get another costume. To start of with you will only be able to become 40% human to 60% human.
If you put on a costume you will then become that creature, be teleported to it's home town and have to wait a week before being able to morph.
After 50 costumes you may change into one of your other costumes and become 30% to 70% human. When changing costumes you must wait at least an hour before you can change costumes again.
100 different species/gender costumes allows you to gender-morph and become 20% to 80% human
200 different species costumes allows you to combine costumes and become 10% to 90% human
400 different species costumes allows you to return to your world with no more morphing
And 800 different species costumes makes a polymorph and allows you to morph outside of this world.
Also if you have a costume like a centaur then the human part will always be human and is counted towards the human percentage.
Any gender/species transformation magic of yours can only change your gender(if you have at least 100 costumes) and the animal part to a different animal.
When you change into a different costume (that you already have) you may teleport to that species home town but you will have the week penalty where you have no costume changes.
If you die while wearing a costume you will be reborn at the local inn (or appropriate location ). If you have more then 100 costumes you will lose the costume you had when you died and go to an appropriate place for your next costume.
If you fail to make it out in 100 years(100 weeks in a year) one of your possible forms will be chosen and you will be permanently stuck in that form(apart from magic) until you die. Also there will be no possibility of going back to your world.
Also, one final note: should you take a female form and become pregnant, you won't be able to change your gender until the child is born, though the other aspects of your form may change (the child will change to match.) That is all, and good luck!
You realise that you have to do what the sign said to do and go through the doors and grab a costume.
Alternatively you could use the key system to determine the room
Written by Catprog on 11 February 2004
Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are two more doors however and both of them have a sign on them saying
Costume room for
Element: Land
Type: Normal
Gender: ????
So which door do you want
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
Male Normal Land
You go through the door.
All of a sudden it slams shut and with no handle on this side it appears that you are stuck.
There are five costumes in this room, all of them male, all of them are normal land creatures.
Written by Catprog on 26 February 2004
On the clothing rack in front of you hangs a raccoon costume. It appears as though it’s meant for a female. Nevertheless, you are compelled to try it on. Placing your jeans on the seat in the corner, you remove the costume from the hanger and hold it out to examine.
The costume’s black and gray rings appear shiny, and its fur is soft and smooth. You place your right leg in, then your left. It fits tightly around your waist. You place your arms in the sleeves, then close the front around your chest.
A strange sensation overcomes you. The costume begins to fuse with your skin as black and gray fur replace every inch of flesh. Small paw pads develop over the skin on your palms and the soles of your feet. Claws form soon afterwards, and you recoil as you almost scratch yourself. A large, bushy tail sprouts from the base of your spine, catching you off balance. Its ringed pattern is identical to the soft fur covering your body.
A small snout grows out from your nose, sprouting whiskers on each side. Small ears develop on the top of your head and your hearing advances exponentially. Your chest begins to expand as breasts develop, much to your surprise. A sensation below draws your attention to a weightless, tighter feeling between your legs.
You face the full-length mirror inside the dressing room and look at your new body. A slender yet athletic figure stares back. Your eyes are much larger than you remember, now big and brown. At least I’m attractive, you think. Wait, what? You shake your head and scratch at your ear. I have to get out of here. You look down at the jeans you intended to wear, then back in the mirror at your unclothed body. Oh well. First things first. Your clumsily paw at the door handle, struggling to get it open. After a few moments the door swings open with a creak.
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 06 May 2017
Department Store
You peer out into the hall and twitch your small ears. Everything looks exactly as it did when you entered. You cautiously make your way back into the department store, hiding amongst clothes as to avoid startling anyone with your appearance. Suddenly a figure approaches you and you spin around. Before you stands a similar looking female raccoon of your age and height. She holds a clipboard to her chest and an earpiece rests in the crevice of her ear. She smiles, revealing sharp teeth just like yours.
“May I just say, you are looking beautiful today, darling!”
You lose your breath at the thought of being called beautiful. It’s not exactly something you are accustomed to. You smile back politely, saying nothing.
“Let’s get you into something nice, okay? I have just the thing.”
She leads you off into the store.
The employee looks you up and down. “Now you seem like the…minimalist type, so let’s get you started with a strapless shirt and these comfortable shorts!” She finishes with a smile, handing you the clothing.
You look down at the feminine clothing in your paws as she leads you back into the dressing room. Inside, you search again for a way out. Nothing. You admit defeat, trying on the clothing. The thin shirt and small shorts fit you well. You reemerge from the dressing room. The employee waiting for you outside chatters with glee. “Let’s check you out, alright?
She leads you to the nearest cash register and rapidly presses several buttons, chattering to herself in the process. “The total will be 74.53. Will that be cash or credit?”
You reach into the pockets of the clothing you’re attempting to purchase. Suddenly, you realize the obvious. You look up at the employee and smile. She looks you up and down.
“Cash, or credit?”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 12 May 2017
You look to your left and to your right, taking note of the large security raccoons by the front and back doors. The employee begins to get impatient. “I’m sorry, is there a problem?”
You catch sight of another employee happily swishing his ringed tail as he walks into the “employee’s only” entrance. Slowly backing away, you break from her gaze and run after him. The cashier chases after you. “Hey, get back here!”
Your claws clack-clack-clack on the polished tile floor as you sprint across the room, dodging clothing and people making your way to the back of the store. Upon reaching the male raccoon, he turns in surprise to see you. “Ma’am? You can’t be back here!” Without thinking, you stop, planting a long, passionate kiss over his lips. He goes limp. You break away, running past him and straight for the emergency exit. The cashier screams one last time, “Thief! Come back!” You push through the emergency exit and out into the crowded street.
Tall buildings and skyscrapers tower over you from all sides. The street is packed with people, all resembling raccoons. You rub your eyes with both paws, remembering that you look just like them. It’s easier than you thought to blend in. Everyone goes about their day, walking in every direction. Some wear business suits, others wear everyday clothing like you. You look down at your freshly stolen clothes remembering that it would be best to get as far away from here as possible. You walk into the crowd.
Up ahead at an intersection, several raccoons dressed in police uniforms scan the throngs of people. You panic, searching for a shop to hide in. A small dimly lit candle shop catches your eye, and you enter.
You are greeted by an elderly male raccoon who smiles as you approach. He meets you at the center of the store, pressing his cane to your chest. You flinch. “You aren’t from around here, are you, young lady?”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 17 May 2017
A friend from outside?
You begin to back away from the old raccoon, unsure of his intentions. He reaches out and grabs a lit candle off the table, waving it around him as wisps of smoke fill the air. “You’re lost, aren’t you? Not in this world, but between this world and your own.”
As the scent of the candle hits your heightened sense of smell, you breathe in deeply an aroma that smells vaguely familiar…like the scent of your own house. You shiver as you realize that he really does understand, and you become excited at the possibility that he has the power to return you to your world.
Your ears perk up as a second candle is lifted from the table and waved all around the room. It smells of fresh baked bread, sweets, and chocolate. To you, it serves as another reminder of your family and friends back home. You are filled with the confidence to find your way back.
The old raccoon places the two candles back onto the table and takes up a different one into both of his paws. You breathe deeply again, taking in an aroma that smells heavily of seaweed and saltwater. You recoil in surprise. He smiles. “To find your way to the next, you must follow your nose.”
You cock your head quizzically, wondering why exactly saltwater would help you find your way back home. “Trust your intuition,” he whispers. “It will not lead you astray.”
Bowing to the old raccoon, you turn to leave. As you turn he exclaims, “Wait! Take this.” He drops a new unlit candle into your outstretched paw. “Light it when the time is right.”
You nod and close the door behind you, leaving the silence of the shop and returning to the busy, chaotic world you had arrived in only moments ago. You lift your nose to the air. Food. People. The smell of the city. A faint smell of saltwater permeates the air. Was the scent of the candle still fresh in your mind, or was this real? You take a step forward to find out.
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 22 May 2017
To the Outskirts
After walking into busy intersections, weaving through crowds, and finding your way to the outskirts of town, you notice many billboards advertising dozens of vacation destinations. Handsome raccoons and beautiful models cover the posters, participating in activities such as golf, soccer, surfing…You pause. Surfing? Eagerly, you make your way to the nearby bus station and question the clerk behind the desk.
“Hey there, little lady.” The raccoon eyes you up and down, his tail flicking as he finishes his once-over. What can I get you on this fine afternoon?” He pauses, then interrupts you as you begin to speak. “I know! I bet you want to hit the beach with the rest of the tourists. Lucky for you, I’ve got a bus leaving for the coast in about fifteen minutes.”
You nod, eagerly reaching out a paw for the ticket. He holds it out, then hesitates. “Got any money to pay for this, foreigner?” Your ears flatten and your tail withers as you recall your predicament, remembering your only possession to be an unlit candle. Suddenly, the mammal smiles and laughs heartily. “Hey, don’t worry about it. This one’s on me. Go tan that fur of yours. After all, Coonsburough is known for attracting our species from all over the world!”
You smile and board the bus. You find a seat at the back and sit, staring out the window at the large city in the distance wondering if you’ll ever return. Moments later, a group of male and female raccoons around your age board the bus wearing swimsuits and carrying towels and surfboards. They gradually make their way to the back, surrounding you. The youngest girl smiles, showing sharp white teeth behind her dark, mask-like face. “You heading to the coast too? You seem lonely. Hang with us, we’ll make sure you have a great time!” You smile back, entirely smitten with her beauty. You inch closer to her and suddenly remember that you no longer look like yourself. One of the guys sits beside you, reaching for your hand. He lifts it gently, then kisses it. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance miss. The name’s Leo.”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 26 May 2017
Stay with them
The bus driver looks back at you and the other passengers. “Take your seats everyone. Next stop, Coonsburough and our lovely coast! We’ll be there before you know it.” The bus begins to lurch forward, merging onto the highway and further away from the big city.
You look at Leo and your paw to his snout. Your eyes widen in surprise as you glance back toward the beautiful girl who has captivated your gaze. She recognizes your dilemma and promptly nudges Leo in the shoulder. “Alright pretty boy, formalities are over. Can’t you see you’re embarrassing her? The name’s Eva by the way. Leo’s just a friend of a friend.
You breathe a sigh of relief and give a nod of thanks to Eva. She giggles as she ties back her hair and smooths down her ears. “Don’t mention it! You’re going to be our new buddy! Oh, and over there? That’s Grace and Aaron. They’ve been a couple for as long as I can remember.” The two turn in unison, their tales wrapped together as they smile with sharp teeth and big brown eyes. “Is there anything in particular you’d like to do in Coonsburough?” She looks at your casual strapless top and shorts. “Before we get ahead of ourselves, let’s get you in a bathing suit! This trip seems to have been a last minute decision for you, but there’s no shame in that.”
Eva digs into her large bag, pulling out sunscreen, a deflated beach ball, and other assorted objects. Eventually, her paw emerges with a small two-piece gray swimsuit laced through her fingers. “How’s this? I think it’ll fit perfectly!” You take the swimsuit, holding it up curiously to your face. “I think she likes it! If I may say, it matches your fur quite nicely.” You brush a paw up against your fur longingly, attempting to recall the softness of human skin.
The bus grinds to a halt as Eva jumps up from her seat. “Ooh, we’re here!” Outside, palm trees shake in the wind and sand covers the ground. The scent of saltwater hits your nose like a truck. It’s unmistakable. You smile and step off the bus. Behind you, Eva, Leo, Grace, and Aaron follow. Eva taps you on the shoulder. “Hey, you forgot your suit!”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 30 May 2017
Change into the suit
You turn and face Eva, smile, and take the swimsuit into your paws. The bus begins to drive away, leaving you face to face with a vast beach stretching in both directions. Raccoons jump and play in the sand to their hearts content. “Know your way around, newbie?” You shake your head no. “Alright, I’ll fill you in.” Eva puts arm around you and places her head against yours to maintain eye level. Her ears brush against yours, and you begin to feel hot. “Now over there is the water of course. To your left are the changing rooms just behind the bar. To your right are the showers. Got it?”
You nod. Leo walks from up behind you and places his arm around your other shoulder. “In case you didn’t catch that, the bar is right over there. Emphasis on bar. Free drinks for ladies as gorgeous as yourself.”
Eva yanks his tail and motions to the water with her snout. “Get over here and leave her alone. She’s not interested in weirdos like you.”
Leo frowns. “Throw that suit on and catch us in the water!”
You fake a smile and wave as he runs towards the shoreline. One paw at a time, you step into the soft sand, each warmed by the sun absorbed in every grain and crystal. You make your way to the changing room, dodging stares from love-struck teens and tipsy couples. When you’ve finally waited your turn, you enter the small hut and close the curtain.
A thought crosses your mind as you hold the swimsuit. This is a changing room, right? This must be the place where I can change back. You search every inch of the hut for a sign, to no avail. Eventually you exchange your department store clothing for Eva’s well-fitting apparel and emerge from the hut. You leap to the shore and pause, staring into the clear blue liquid. Its beauty is unlike anything you’ve seen before. Without hesitating, you take a running jump and dive headfirst into the water.
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 06 June 2017
To the Bar
The water is cold at first. Your fur stands on end as you adjust, holding your arms to your chest for warmth. You begin to rise towards the surface, slowly feeling a warm wave wash over your ears and through your tail. Everything around you is silent. Peace. You begin to wonder why anyone would want to leave this place. This perfection. Sure, no home is perfect, but it’s the friends and family who make it a home. You think of the friends you’ve made here, and the adrenaline rush of adventures you’ve had along the way.
I’m glad this happened. You recall the monotonous life you lived before coming to this world and Coonsburough. The freedom you have here could never compare. Although your body may be a different one, your mind has never been happier. Why would I ever want to leave?
In that moment, you break the surface of the water to the cheers of Leo and Eva. Aaron smiles with his arms around Grace. “Nice one! Even the guys on the shore are looking!” You turn to the shore and glimpse cheering raccoons and laughing children. For the first time in a while, you genuinely smile. Everything is going to be okay. Your paw pads touch the wet sand as you reemerge from the water, wringing out your hair and walking back up the beach towards the bar. You take a seat on the center stool, offered to you by a generous beachgoer.
The bartender slides you a drink. “On the house, ma’am.”
You start to swallow it down, but slowly begin to sip as you attract several stares. When your glass is empty, you stand from the bar and head for the bathroom. Suddenly, a short raccoon wearing a hat covering his eyes steps into your path.
“Need a light?” He holds out a lighter, flicking it on. His face is expressionless.
You frown, beginning to step back. He takes one step closer. “I’m sorry, I do believe you misunderstand my intentions.” He reaches into a bag and pulls out a candle, extending it outwards in his paw. “You seem to have dropped this. Need a light?”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 11 June 2017
Light the Candle
Your eyes grow wide as you reach out and take the candle from the stranger. He begins to lift his hood, and you realize that he is the same old raccoon from the candle shop. He smiles at you, extending his lighter to ignite the candle in your paw. You pull back.
The old raccoon takes another step forward and begins to speak. “You may feel that this place is where you belong. All of the others do at first. But I must tell you…your presence is needed elsewhere.”
You shake your head no and step back as he waves the lighter closer towards your body. “You must move on from this place. Move on from the familiar and into the unknown.” Suddenly, he leans in and lights the wick. The candle sparks for a moment, then remains lit. A small flame burns releasing a scent that reaches your hyper-sensitive nose in an instant. You feel dizzy as the smell of pine, snow, and smoke flood your senses. A mixture of confused emotions and panic overwhelm your mind. An icy touch wraps itself around the back of your neck. You try to run away, but your vision blurs. The bar provides a safe place to lean on while the closest patron begins to notice your predicament.
Through a high pitched ringing, you hear customers mumbling. You lose your grip on the bar and begin to fall backwards. It feels as though you are falling forever. Time does not pass, but the beating of your heart keeps tempo as you spiral down towards the floor. Your impact is cut short by the arms of someone…Leo and Eva. They both seem so soft. So comforting.
Leo and Eva gently lower you to the ground. Leo stands and steps away, giving you space to breathe. Eva holds your head softly in her paws and smiles. She speaks, but you are unable to understand her. In that moment you smile back. She leans close to you and kisses the top of your head. Everything blurs again, and you struggle to remain conscious as your mind slowly fades to black.
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 17 June 2017
Wake up
You awaken slowly at first, attempting to sit up. The gentle paw of Eva prevents you from struggling too much. Somehow, you’ve been moved to a soft, fluffy bed. Probably Leo, you think. You look at Eva’s paw, then hold up your own paws in front of your face and smile. This is home now. This is where I want to stay.
“Shhh…don’t be so eager! We’ll all have some fun once you’re feeling better.” Eva leans in and hugs you tightly. You can’t remember the last time anyone showed you affection the way Eva did. You brush off the sheets covering your legs and notice that you’re wearing your old clothes. Your face reddens as you both hope and worry that it was Eva who changed you. Rising to your feet, you place the pads of your paws onto the cool floor one at a time. It feel great to stand again.
Eva permits you to leave. “Maybe the cool salt water will make you well again. Ask Leo, it’s a real life saver.” Leo stands from a chair in the corner, much taller than you were even as a human. The past is the past. You only look to the future.
“Wait!” You turn to glimpse Eva’s big brown eyes and her soft, masked face. “You forgot your suit.” You accept the suit, and your fingers lace with hers as they touch. She smiles. “We’ll wait for you at the shore. Don’t be late.” Eva embraces you and leaves the room.
You close the curtain to the changing room and grin from ear to ear, showing teeth. A wonderful life awaits you. A life with friends, and many more who love you. It all seems like a dream. A dream in which you never want to wake up.
Holding the swimsuit, you turn. Across the curtain hangs a full bodied costume of a snow leopard. You tilt your head curiously, and the curtain shakes. It all seems too familiar. You reach out and feel the soft fur of the sleeve between your fingers. “Everything is going to be okay.”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 23 June 2017
The end (for now)