Wake up
You awaken slowly at first, attempting to sit up. The gentle paw of Eva prevents you from struggling too much. Somehow, you’ve been moved to a soft, fluffy bed. Probably Leo, you think. You look at Eva’s paw, then hold up your own paws in front of your face and smile. This is home now. This is where I want to stay.
“Shhh…don’t be so eager! We’ll all have some fun once you’re feeling better.” Eva leans in and hugs you tightly. You can’t remember the last time anyone showed you affection the way Eva did. You brush off the sheets covering your legs and notice that you’re wearing your old clothes. Your face reddens as you both hope and worry that it was Eva who changed you. Rising to your feet, you place the pads of your paws onto the cool floor one at a time. It feel great to stand again.
Eva permits you to leave. “Maybe the cool salt water will make you well again. Ask Leo, it’s a real life saver.” Leo stands from a chair in the corner, much taller than you were even as a human. The past is the past. You only look to the future.
“Wait!” You turn to glimpse Eva’s big brown eyes and her soft, masked face. “You forgot your suit.” You accept the suit, and your fingers lace with hers as they touch. She smiles. “We’ll wait for you at the shore. Don’t be late.” Eva embraces you and leaves the room.
You close the curtain to the changing room and grin from ear to ear, showing teeth. A wonderful life awaits you. A life with friends, and many more who love you. It all seems like a dream. A dream in which you never want to wake up.
Holding the swimsuit, you turn. Across the curtain hangs a full bodied costume of a snow leopard. You tilt your head curiously, and the curtain shakes. It all seems too familiar. You reach out and feel the soft fur of the sleeve between your fingers. “Everything is going to be okay.”
Written by MaxtheRaccoon on 23 June 2017
The end (for now)