As you look between the different options, you notice a small box at the edge of the table. Turning it over reveals the word “SPHINX” in capital letters. But strangely, the box fits in the palm of your hand rather easily.
Curious, you pull the top of the box open and peer inside. It seems to be filled with nothing but a pile of brown sand. You turn to a nearby worker who seems to be stocking the shelves, asking him how this is supposed to be a costume.
“Special new kind,” he mutters, passing by you, clearly preoccupied with his work. “Try taking some of it out.”
You look down again at the box, then reach a couple of fingers inside and pull out a pinch of the sand. As if a sudden wind had blown, the grains of sand fly out of your fingers and begin to settle down on your left hand. Before your eyes, each of the little grains starts to growing, connecting with nearby growths and forming one large mass. In a few seconds, the sand has become a soft tan fabric around your hand, covered in silky fur and based by leather paw-pads. It’s one of the most intricate costume pieces you’ve ever seen…and it had just appeared out of thin air!
Excited, you hurry into the nearest changing room, taking off all your clothes. Then you reach into the box again and pull out as much sand as you can grasp. The grains swirl around your body, flaking it in lots of different places and beginning to grow. You watch as the fabric on your hand is stitched up your arm and over your shoulder, covered with the same tan fur. Both arms and legs are being covered with the same costume and the same colors. Your feet are surrounded and puffed up by thick and soft slippers with pawpads on the bottom.
The fabric holds tight to your skin, fitted so well that the costume might have been made for you…which, in a way, it is! Soon the leg portions move over your torso and your waist, stitching together in the middle to form a single ream of fabric. Extending from your rear is a long and thin tail which ends with a puff of black fur. To your surprise, the sleeves of the arms only connect to the torso on the sides, leaving a generous portion of your chest uncovered.
Maybe it needed more sand to finish? You pull out as much as you can and toss it into the air again. This time, it primarily swirls behind you, attaching itself to the furry fabric and growing backwards. This buildup is rougher to the touch, a jet-black color, and separated into multiple pieces that…you touch them. Yes, they’re feathers. You watch in the mirror as the wings unfold behind your back. Now this was more like it! But you were still missing the front panel of the costume.
You reach into the box another time, but most of the sand is gone now, with only small grains remaining. Tipping the box over, you watch as the last few grains move around and attach to small places where the fabric of the costume was thin. As the last grain of sand clicks into place, you suddenly feel a lurching in your stomach. The clothing seems even tighter than before, as if it’s squeezing your skin and muscles.
You cry out, bending over, feeling your body roiling uncomfortably. Though you feel no pain, you know that something very odd is happening to you. For a few seconds the paw-gloves of the costume feel extra hot, and your fingers like they’re being dipped into boiling water. When the sensation fades, you wiggle them again…only to realize that you can’t sense them anymore. The nubs of the paw wiggle instead, feeling like they’re connected to your brain, rather than just to the costume.
The same sort of hot dipping sensation is happening all over your body. Your muscles seem to swell as your body grows bigger, the fur standing up as the follicles are connected to your nerve endings. Your feet feel like they’re being stretched like taffy, the heels pulling up into an arch and leaving nothing but the toes on the floor. There’s a large crack as your bones are shifted, and you find yourself having to catch yourself on your front paws, suddenly unable to balance on your legs anymore. Your spine extends backwards into the fabric tail sleeve, and soon your lion tail is waving behind you in a panic.
Another crack echoes through the small room as your shoulder blades are suddenly pushed upwards, new muscle and bone forming. Your wings tremble, then begin to quiver as they connect to your back, becoming as much a part of your body as your arms, flapping powerfully in the air. You groan a bit, unsure of how to move them in a natural way.
The walls of the dressing room crack a bit and the ceiling seems awfully close. You’ve grown large enough that this enclosed space is now a tight fit…your body is at least fifteen feet long! A strange weighted sensation comes from your downward facing chest, and you turn your head to look. The fur has settled itself tightly around you, and your pecs are starting to swell outwards like balloons. Your eyes widen with fear, but your attention is distracted by a corresponding wilting sensation between your legs. You twist your head upside down, seeing your cock shrinking at the same rate that your new breasts are growing. Within a few seconds, the changes are finalized. You now have a set of big, puffy human boobs poking out of your otherwise lion body. And between your legs…? Well, you’ll have to start using different pronouns now, that’s for sure!
The growth seems to have slowed down, but by now your body is squished painfully in a room far too small for it. The walls and ceiling groan from the pressure. In the background, you can feel subtle shifts on your head. Smoother contours of the face, a smaller nose, slightly darker skin, and hair that is growing back incredibly quickly, giving you a length in seconds that some women work years to achieve. All of it is silky, full, and jet black, just like your wings.
As the last changes finalize, the building around you has finally taken all it possibly can. With a loud rumble, the stone walls cave outwards, kicking up a storm of dirt and dust. Your wings automatically push back the rock from the ceiling, leaving you standing as a fully-transformed sphinx in the middle of the half-ruined shop. Down below, you can see the worker still organizing the shelves as if nothing had happened. He looks up at you and rolls his eyes, as if this sort of thing happened every day around here.
What will you do now?
Written by Kinky Chameleon on 09 May 2018