Talk to the fox
You hold your hand out for it to sniff.It sniffs it and looks up to you.
"I don't suppose you know what happened to the fox who set up that camp?"
You think you yourself "I don't suppose you can even understand me"
It yips.
"If that's a yes, can you lead me to him?"
It yips again.
"Well then, lead on and I'll follow."
It stays next to you
"Either you don't understand me, or you are that fox. Can you yip twice if you are?"
It yips again about 5 times
"So much for that idea." you say before pating the fox's head.
It yips happily
"Well, little guy, I've got work to do. Here, you can have some food..."
You unwraps some of your provisions that look like a fox would eat them and leaves them for the fox. She has a report to call in.
He sniffs and eats them
Written by catprog on 15 March 2011