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So now to look for the maps. The Voice's directions are clear, and it's not long until you've gathered a number of maps and atlases, some of them more than a hundred years old, others as young as four years. Now all you need to do is look for a very large river which didn't exist until just a few years ago; anything which is on the youngest maps but not found on older ones.


There it is: You see a large river on the later maps. And is 3, no 4, days flying time away. A good, long distance; however, you're pretty sure you can catch your own meals along the way, so you won't need to carry any supplies. What else might you need... there are books in your temple/home which could be useful, but that's a 100-mile detour; you decide to just grab books here at the tower, and be done with it. You can read them while you're in the air; there are few enough flying creatures your size that it would take a preposterous stroke of bad luck for you to collide with any of them in mid-air. So you collect tomes on the lands you'll be passing through, and on the problem you're trying to solve, and some introductory texts on magic... you reluctantly stop gathering books before the load is great enough to reduce your airspeed. You do find a compass while prowling the shelves, a magical compass which points directly towards any location you can specify. That should be useful; you keep it.

Written by Catprog & Cubist on 11 October 2010

Female Leave in the Morning

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