Walking Miss Lulu
"Well the hums do have a rather short attention span," Lulu the pink poodle taur remarks. "Guess he got tired of not playing, or found someone else to play with."
"The what now?"
"Hums. Like CB. Well, looks like I'll have to play welcome wagon a bit longer. I'm a bit short of time but I can take you to someone who can take you the rest of the way."
She starts walking down the street, and you do your best to keep up. You still have some trouble shuffling your feet right, but then you look at Lulu's feet and try to imitate her gait. That works better - a bit too well in fact. "You walk like a girl!" she giggles.
You choose to ignore the remark and keep walking side by side until you are ready to put on a bit more speed. "Do you mind if I ask a question?" you ask, eager to change the subject.
"No, but I may mind answering."
"Your costume... Is it like that or did you get a dye job?"
She walks in silence for a while before she answers.
"Is my costume like what now?"
"Oh. Uh, I mean, dogs aren't naturally pink where I come from..."
She giggles and gives you a brief hug. "I know, silly! Just pulling your leg." After a pause she continues. "It was like this when I put it on, trim and all. I haven't had a trim or dye job since I came here. I may consider trying it once I find a place that does it. No luck so far."
"How far is that anyway?"
"Few days short of a month now."
"A month! I thought we could change after a week?"
"Yes, can as in not must. I figure this game's going to take ages anyway, so a month more or less doesn't make much difference. I like this place and the people here, and frankly I get a kind of kick out of being pink."
"And your next costume choice is unlikely to include the Pink Panther."
"Exactly. So i'm staying like this for now. I wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and - Wow! PINK!"
You laugh and realize you can only think of one thing to say next. You try to resist but it's stronger than you.
"So..." you drawl, "are you pondering what I'm pondering, Pinky?"
Written by Won-Tolla on 20 June 2007
The end (for now)