Bakery Found- Maybe?
Finally, you decide that your nose is your best tool as of now. You raise your head high and take a long, big whiff, and finally, the scent of fresh bread fills your nostrils. You turn and run in the general direction. The only problem, though, is that this town has so many bakeries, you would be wasting your time trying to come up with the right one- Unless of course you got lucky. So you go along, staying out of the sight of people the best you can. You pick up the pace, and come to the first one. You peek in- No sight of him. You raise your head, then sniff again. You get another scent- but hang on- You think you smell (Or what you assume) Takato's scent. You rub your chin, and make a split decision to-
Written by AriTheWolfman on 21 May 2011