"We have a reward for you. The next stage of your transformation." the voice says.
"I don't want your reward. I want to go back to my old self."
"Watch your hands" the voice says.
As she brings up her hands the hairs on them grow thicker and golden. Soon they are covered in fur.
"What are you doing? I need my hands " she says.
The voice does not respond.
Pads form on the palm and underneath each finger.
The digits stiffen, changing into toes.
The fingernails turn sharp and lengthen, turning into claws.
Both hands complete the final change as they grow and reshape into lion paws.
"How am I supposed to dress do things like dress myself?" she asks the voice.
The voice snickers "Beasts do not wear clothes. They do not need to concern themselves with human things."
Written by catprog on 24 July 2017