"You don't seem to be injured, are you alright Kee?" He asks.
What is Kee? You wonder to yourself. After a moment of you not responding to him he comes again with the same question, "Are you alright Kee?"
Forced now, you ask, "What is Kee?"
He steps back for a moment, apparently horrified and confused.
"Kee, the sacred word of fox. Have you not heard the ancient language spoken before?"
No... What is the ancient language? Who are you and where and am I?"
You ask; very just questions for someone in your situation. The old vulpine waits for a moment before taking you by the paw and dragging you out the back entrance and through the decrepit old buildings. Each of his steps are incredibly graceful for someone who seems so old. You are led through the rubble and debris to a small tunnel underneath a large concrete slab. He continues onward with you in tow. The two of you move quickly and quietly down the passage. The tunnel appears to be a den and as you move farther down, the light fades from behind you. Just as the light from the suns has nearly faded, there comes another light from ahead of you, this one far softer than the harsh green sunlight above ground. The tunnel opens into a large spacious room carved out of the dirt and bedrock. The cavernous room is dimly lit by lanterns suspended from the large rock pillars holding the ceiling up. Shadows creep around you and the light as several Vulpine figures appear out of the darkness. They are carrying rifle-like weapons and many are either very young or old, many with scars and patches of fur missing. They were obviously in their fair share of combat. The old Vulpine moves toward the group that has appeared before you both and begins talking to them in an unfamiliar language. You cannot hear them clearly nor can you understand a single word that's spoken. As the conversation continues it's tone shifts to that of an argument.
Written by Lokor and Kire Kitsune on 09 November 2013