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What?! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You look at Thomas and stammer out, "I may be many things, but I assure you I'm no chick."


"So which did you drink?"




"No doubt about it, you are the sexiest superchick on the planet." He eyes you lecherously and then shies from you adding, "Just kidding."


Thomas picks up the two empty vials and put the stoppers back on. You watch as the vials refill themselves. He throws them to the ground with all of his strength. Instead of shattering, they seem to go through the floor.


You ask, "Where did they go?"


"Back out front. Come on."


"Am I really female?"


He looks at you and shakes his head. "You don't pay attention in the religion class, do you? I drank fire and I think I became Ryujin, a dragon of the seas. You," He almost chuckles but bows gracefully, "are most likely Ama-no-Uzume, goddess of the dawn." He tells you, "You are quite beautiful. However, you have the ability to become intangible. Just concentrate a little and it'll come to you."


You concentrate and discover, to your amazement, you are an incredibly sexy woman. You hope it's only temporary. With a little more concentration, you hold you hand out and watch a stream of light illuminate two passages through the cave: one is through a wall, the other is an open path.

Written by minerva on 26 January 2008

The end (for now)

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