Transformation Mansion
There are many points in the mansion where you will change forms.
The more nights you spend in a form the more your behavior will reflect that form (also the longer you stay at a time the quicker your behaviour changes).
If you change forms your behavior will go to the current state of that form for you.
(e.g you are a tiger for 10 nights , become a dolphin for another 10 and become a tiger again. The tiger form behavior is still the same as is was when you become a dolphin)
You can only spend 30 consecutive nights or 90 total in a form before your behavior is totally that form's behavior.
Also after 300 nights in the mansion, you will become the form that you have spent the most of the last 300 days in (apart from the one you entered in) in its current state.
If any of the 3 previous situations (30 consecutive or 90 in one form or 300 nights total) occur you will then be teleported out of the mansion.
You may also leave at any time through any exit, except the one you entered in. You will leave the mansion in whatever your current state of mind and body
If you leave the mansion by any means you may not come back for 5 years.
To start you off you will receive a transformation into a...
Written by Catprog on 04 July 2004
Avoid the traps at the front door
You hold the map in your hand as you survey the mansion. It’s a gracefully intimidating building, with arched roofs and brick walls turned gray-black by time and the weather. Your sneakers squeak on the cobblestone path leading up to the aged iron gate, all the time telling yourself that this would be the last time you would ever do such a thing. There were rumors about the place, that people who went in never left, that there was a ghost with no eyes prowling the top floor. Of course you don’t believe such things, those are just urban legends and stories they told to scare kids. And of course, knowing this doesn’t to quell the unease churning in your stomach.
As you climb over the fence, the leg of your jeans catches on one of the jagged edges and tears, sending you to a very ungraceful landing on the other side. Undaunted, you pick yourself up off the over-grown lawn and dust yourself off. Sure, these were new jeans but you could buy some more anytime, especially considering the mansion was said to be absolutely loaded with gold and other valuables. It was a selfish motivation for breaking into a long-abandoned mansion, but it’s not like it’s going anywhere and if anyone wanted it, they would have brought it out with them, right?
You made careful steps towards the front door; one rumor you did believe was that the place was rigged up with traps everywhere. Even if it turned out they were exaggerated, it didn’t hurt to be careful. The door opens with a loud whine from the tarnished brass hinge, the moonlight coating everything in a soft blue light and tar-black shadows. The entry hall is moss green carpeting and floral wallpaper stretching away into darkness. A few clicks and your flashlight illuminates rows of doors on either side of the halls.
Your hands are clammy with cold sweat as you tried a random door. Behind it is nothing but dusty furniture and paintings of desert landscapes. You try another one only to be greeted the rictus faces of hunting trophies and not much else. Finally, a third door way at the far end of the main hall turned up something more interesting to your avaricious quest.
The door led into a private gallery of sorts, full of sculptures and jewelry taken from obscure and ancient parts of the world, all kept in delicate glass display cases. Any single item from here would get you enough cash on the black market to live comfortably for a good, long while. But there was one item that catches your eye as the ghostly white beam of your flashlight drifts over it.
Written by feder on 08 March 2017
Tigress Necklace
However, one particular item caught your attention. It was a necklace, resplendent with jewels that shimmered in the moonlight. Deep blues and vibrant greens danced within the encrusted gems, casting an enchanting radiance that drew you in. The necklace exuded an aura of wealth and power, unlike anything you had ever seen.
Unable to resist, your trembling fingers reached for the glass case. To your surprise, the security measures you had anticipated seemed nonexistent. The case was unlocked. It was as if the mansion wanted you to take this particular item.
With great care, you lifted the glass cover, and as your fingers brushed against the necklace, a sudden rush of sensation coursed through your body. You dropped your flashlight in shock, and it clattered to the floor, plunging you into darkness. Panic seized you, and you attempted to pull your hand away from the necklace, but it was as if an invisible force held it in place.
With wide, mesmerizing eyes, you watched as your hands elongated and merged, gradually taking on the sleek shape of feline paws. Panic surged within you as you desperately tried to release the necklace, but your newfound paws remained uncooperative.
As you stood in the eerie silence of the mansion's private gallery, your heart raced with a mixture of fear and fascination. The jewel-encrusted necklace, which had triggered your bizarre transformation , hung delicately from your new paw-like appendage. The tingling warmth that had started in your fingertips had now enveloped your entire body.
Buttons strained, seams creaked, and then, with a series of audible rips, your shirt and jeans surrendered to the changes. They tore apart, revealing your transformed body now adorned with sleek orange and black fur, mimicking the patterns of a majestic tiger.
The contours of your body shifted, becoming sleek and powerful, and your limbs took on a feline grace that you could never have imagined.
The transformation didn't stop there. Your body continued to shift and reshape. As your clothing grew increasingly tight, the fabric strained against your swelling bust.
Your once-human face had given way to a tigress's visage, complete with whiskers and piercing feline eyes that glistened with a strange mix of human intelligence and animal curiosity.
Amidst the strange and unsettling sensations, your senses sharpened. You could hear distant sounds echoing through the mansion's corridors, smell the aged wood, and detect scents you couldn't have as a human. Your night vision improved, allowing you to see clearly even in the dimly lit gallery.
Amidst your mounting terror, your voice trembled as you attempted to call for help, but all that emerged was a deep, rumbling growl, the sound unmistakably feline. It was as though your vocal cords had been rewired to match your new form.
The initial shock and disbelief you felt at the beginning of this bizarre transformation had given way to a grim realization. This mansion, with its rumors and legends, held dark secrets and traps beyond your wildest imagination. You had become living proof of its strange and terrifying transformations.
In a mixture of terror and fascination, you stumbled toward the nearest reflective surface, which turned out to be a dusty mirror on the gallery wall. The image that stared back at you was that of a magnificent tigress, her eyes wide with a strange mix of human intelligence and feline curiosity. You pawed at the mirror, trying to touch your reflection, but the sensation of your fur against the glass was the only confirmation you needed.
Yet, despite the fear that coursed through you, your curiosity and determination remained intact. You were driven to explore further, to uncover the mysteries of the mansion, and, if possible, to find a way to reverse the inexplicable transformation.
With each step, you hoped that deeper within the mansion's enigmatic halls, you would discover the truth and perhaps a solution to break the curse that had befallen you. The decision was made, and you embarked on a quest filled with both trepidation and hope.
Written by - on 31 October 2023
The end (for now)