A young lad is out raking his leaves, in a charitable mood and wanting to rake those of his grandparents later that afternoon. His breath steams lightly as he engages in his labor.
Suddenly the sky flashes with many pulses of light! Flattened by strange sensations, he falls over, morphing into an anthro Whitetail buck! In the process, he tips over a still-burning jack-o-lantern left over from the holidays. The fire catches onto the neighborhood's collective dry leaves and sets them ablaze.
Somewhere else:
See the disgruntled workers commute. See them pack the highway in their cars. See them go. Go fast, commuters! Go fast!
See the pretty lights in the sky cause all the drivers to morph!
Crash, entire freeway! Crash!
In another place:
The reactor's going critical. There's no time to grab so much as a jelly donut from the break room; all hands are on deck manning switches and valves, trying to stem the horrible tide of radioactive explosiveness. The facility has handled such situations before with flying colors, but such a delicate operation requires pinpoint accuracy, unflinching concentration, an iron will... and then everyone bursts in a flurry of feathers, fur, and extra limbs. People are, let's say, fatally distracted.
Most have the coherency to flee the facility as the internal temperature exceeds the breaking point.
(zoom out) (view of the facility) (nuclear explosion)
...And it's all *your* fault.
Thankfully, you're unwary of all of this as you enter the house again and tell Jake about the amulet's departure.
"What do we do, then?!" he cries.
"Well, I got that amulet at a shop," you state factually, "But..." That shop wasn't in your neighborhood, you don't say. It was like a dream.
"But?" Jake presses.
Your ears twitch as you hear, slowly rising on the wind, the sound of howls and shrieks.
"We gotta try and get back," you say.
Written by Mr.Peaches on 14 November 2006
The end (for now)