Confused, Daniel ran his palms down his sides and flinched when his hands felt hairy horse body. Eyes widening, he tried to get up, only to stumble and fall at his back. Horse´s legs kicked up in the air and Daniel tried to push them away, to get rid of this weird horse connected to his waist.
It´s just dream, he thought desperately.
It had to be dream, this couldn´t be real.
“Daniel?” someone called in distance. He turned in the direction of the voice and saw shiny metal door.
Help, he thought, but couldn´t force the words out.
This couldn´t be happening.
Struggling to sit up again, Daniel noticed that not only his legs were different. His T-shirt was tight on his chest and two peaks were rising under it. He tried to brush them off, but his hand hit tender flesh and he yelped.
Just a nightmare…
Breasts. He had breasts. And horse body. And splitting headache, as if someone buried an axe into his head.
Written by lulu-illussions on 25 January 2018