You are standing by a tree
There are 3 paths.
One appears to go to a jungle,
one appears to go to a cave,
one appears to go to a beach,
you could try and climb the tree,
there is a nearby shop you could go in,
or you could do something else.
So what's its going to be?
Written by catprog on 01 April 2003
In the shop
There is a table with a sign saying
<strong>Free Sample:</strong>
Take one
On the table there is a fridge with a range of liquids. Also on the table are various magical trinkets including costumes. What would you like to take, or would you like to buy something?
Written by catprog on 10 April 2003
You decide to get something else. But what?
Written by catprog on 13 December 2005
A lamp
You take a lamp. Now what are you going to do with it?
Written by catprog on 05 March 2004
Transformation Genie
Just then, a huge puff of green smoke appears.
The smoke forms the shape of a humanoid, then finally materializes into a turquoise-skinned man who appears to be about 25 years old. You quiver with fear, staring at him (after all, you're not used to seeing turquoise-skinned men appear out of lamps).
"Who has rubbed the lamp of the Genie of Transformation?", the man asks in a light, yet stern voice.
"I-I did", you answer softly.
He steps closer to you and bows. "Thank You, Master, Thank You!", he says as he kneels to you.
He stands. "Yes", he says. "You have released me from the Lamp, and now you may have three wishes.
The wishes carry certain limitations, however..."
"Yes, like what?", you ask again, almost bursting with excitement (having your own genie and all).
"First, there are only three wishes, no more and no less, and this may not be changed by any wishes made. Second, all wishes made by the master should be precisely worded. If the wish is too vague, then I shall choose the remaining factors of the wish. And third, all wishes must be related to the change of the master, or of someone else that the master chooses. In other words, all wishes must be transformative."
Well what are you going to wish for?
Written by on 11 March 2004
I don't need a **** Transformation
"I don't need a transformation thank you very much," you say. "I am perfectly happy as a human". "You can take your conditional wishes elsewhere, you ****".
The genie's eyes widen. "You are going to regret mocking me". " You don't want a transformation, too bad you're getting one.
Written by on 18 May 2004
"You are going to my animal park and help with the breeding programs" booms the genie.
All of a sudden a portal appears and sucks you in.As you go through you get knocked out.
When you awake your in...
Written by on 22 May 2004
Myth Room
You awaken in a room with 3 doors.
Each door has a word inscribed on it.
And Water
Which one do you want?
Written by on 27 July 2004
You go through the door.
You step out into open air.
You try to get back to the door but to your horror it has gone.
You then notice you are growing wings but what kind?
Written by on 27 July 2004
After a brief jolt of pain, your shirt is torn apart by a pair of snow white wings. Loose feathers dart out once they finally spread free. You can barely grasp the angelic sight before they’re struggling to flap on their own, seemingly out of instinct.
Shortly afterwards, an unearthly sensation rocks you to your core. Your hands tremble as your fingernails take on a darker hue, and coarse white fur begins leisurely spreading through your forearms. Your heart palpitates with panic and confusion, and your shaky wings prove insufficiently capable to cut your fall short. The sight of your fingers merging into two thicker appendages only strikes further panic, your nails joining into thick carapaces. A searing blaze wells up within your face, and with much strain, it starts pushing forward. Your nose flattens and blends within your darkening lips as white fur covers your ceaselessly shifting long face. It’s not until your thin ears flick gaily in the wind and your hair migrates through the back of your bulging neck that you come to the hasty conclusion it must be an equine head. What was left of your clothing is rapidly failing to contain your swelling musculature, thick fur visible through the rips and tears. A pained contraction finally tears off your pants, letting loose your new bushy tail which stands upright through your free-fall.
Written by Diethyl on 15 November 2016
Feeling your body break through the air, the wind brushing against your fur, the liberty of the skies… it awakens something within your unquiet heart. Taking a deep breath through your big nostrils and filling your beastly lungs with air for what seems like the first time in forever, you tense your wings and position yourself downwards, tackling the wind head on. With a soft curve that comes naturally, you now find yourself soaring through the skies with incredible ease.
Unfortunately, just when you think things are starting to go your way, another mysterious jolt of both searing agony and heavenly pleasure travels through you, causing your short fur to stand on end. Your muscular shape begins to thin ever so gently, yet your chest swells further than ever. Your hips follow afterwards, leaving you with a tasteful hourglass shape as your mammaries round up nicely in your hands. You squeak with a mildly softer voice than you recall as your junk retracts into your abdomen with a wet noise, joy coursing through your form while it reshapes itself into a girl’s. You bite your lower lip, driven dangerously close to breaking point as your hands reach down without your consent, but before you can further degrade yourself, the sight of fellow flying horses catches your eyes.
Written by Diethyl on 30 November 2016
The herd
The rest of the horses fly up to you.
"Are you new here?" one of them asks you.
"How could you tell?" you ask.
"You are fighting the instincts of the body. We all were the same at first." he says.
"You are changed by the genie?" you ask.
"Most of us are. Some of us were born here."
"How do we stop falling?"
"Just let the instincts handle the body. Like you are doing while I talk too you."
Written by catprog on 04 December 2018
The end (for now)