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Rise and shine star star star star emptystar

...until you wake from the sun shining in through the windows, and feel the reassuring warmth of your lifemate's muscular body next to you.


Noticing you are awake, he turns around, presumably to look at you as you lie with your eyes closed, trying to savor the darkness a little longer.


"Are you alright, beloved?" he asks in a concerned tone."You were so uneasy earlier, tossing and turning and whimpering like a scared cub. But I could not wake you no matter how I tried."


"I am fine now, my heart," you reply, pausing a moment in wonder at the clear lilting tone of you voice. "I had a nightmare. I was all alone, cold and wet and I thought..." you sob a little. "I thought I was going to die!"


"There, there." You feel his strong arms around you and his fingers scritching your ear. Oh, you just love that! "It was just a dream. I am here now, and I will never let anyone hurt you as long as I live."


"I wasn't even myself!" you continue, unable to let go of those strange memories. "I was some kind of horrid furless creature that didn't even have a decent tail!"


Suddenly you feel him stiffen. No, not like that, you perv.


"What... did you... say?!"

Written by Won-Tolla on 14 January 2008

The end (for now)

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