Search the forest
After a few hours of walking there seems to be signs of life. Stomped down bushes, hoof prints, carvings in trees. You wonder if it's people like you. You follow the leads of life, and surely, you start to hear some sort of civilization. Children screaming, playing, people chatting, young men loudly bantering.
You can see the tops of tents, a pole, smoke from fires. You near it cautiously. Behind a few bushes you observe the village.
It's filled with half deer people, like yourself. They seem to have a civilization like humans. Humans from centuries ago, but humans nonetheless. You observe young men, their heads butted together, their antlers pushing each other. Small children are running around with a ball that looks like it might be made of straw. Women sit and chat; some are making baskets with straw, some are making what looks like jewelry. You want approach them, but you're scared to. You don't know how they'd react to a stranger.
The kids’ ball hits you in the face, and suddenly you don't have a choice in the matter. You unintentionally let out a loud yelp as it smacks you in the face.
Written by AnxiousRomeo on 09 September 2017