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Yo Sea Dawg! emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar emptystar

You see some shoes that resemble seal flippers. Of course you are curious enough to put them on to only wonder what it's like to swim faster.


But as soon as you put them on, your fate is sealing itself. The shoes close around your ankle and your feet morph within to fit the form of your new flippers. Feeling wobbly on your feet, you fall on the floor to watch your legs starting to melt together to become one mass. Your breathing quickens, and you feel your leg muscles morph to accommodate the new body you will adopt. The leathery grey skin crawls up your lower body and up your torso, and you feel yourself shrinking along the way.


You see your hands in front of you, and watch as they become webbed flippers and you moan in agony as you feel your arms shortening and your new hands making the only upper limbs. Next, your neck shrinks and you feel your hair fall from your head as your face stretches out to become a muzzle with long whiskers. Your eyes become all black as your changes finish and you see yourself as a anthro harbor seal.


You bark around, not pleased with how limited your movement is now, but at least there is a big pool nearby, and you happily jump in to test out those flippers.

Written by PaulShepherd on 22 May 2011


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